Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Secret of Perfect Peace

UV 331/10,000 Amazing principles of the Uni-verse revealed verse by verse The secret of perfect peace Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. We all know what is relative peace. But, this uni-verse speaks of “perfect peace”. Many people seem to be externally very calm but below the surface,they may be seething with anxieties and troubled thoughts including guilt. But, the person who is continually focused on the Lord enjoys a complete sense of peace. He or she is at peace with self, with others and with the Lord. He or she is at peace about the past, present and future. That sense of peace is lasting and not fluctuating depending on circumstances or happenings in one’s day. Jesus said, “ The peace that I give you- the world cannot take away.” It is based on trust in the Word of God. It is based on a confidence that God is able to do all that He has promised. It is based on an assurance that we are forgiven all of our sin and freed from all of its consequences. Even great military conquerors were afraid of death. But, we are freed from the fear of our physical and spiritual deaths. It is based on our belief that Christ in us is the hope of glory or eternal life. It is based on the confidence that we are successful. That we do not seek to become successful but we are declared successful as we have found the purpose of our lives and we are fulfilling that purpose. Stephen Covey talked about seven habits of successful people. But, we need to cultivate only one habit to be successful or peaceful- to have our minds “stayed” or anchored in Christ. In dog training, the command, “ stay” prompts the dog to lie flat on its stomach with its fore-paws outstretched forward in an act of complete submission and surrender to its master. Likewise, our minds, implying our thoughts, emotions and decisions should be stayed on the Lord in an lifelong attitude of trust and obedience. Our peace will not be the peace of a monk who secludes himself from the world and normal living. It will not be the manufactured peace of those who depend on stimulants. It will be a dynamic peace, peace like a river, always flowing and full of life. Pl check out this video link- Peace like a river Prateep V Philip

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