Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Secrets of the Lord

UV 521/10,000 Deuteronomy 29 v 29 The Secrets of the Lord “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which were revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of the law.” The Lord reveals many secrets that belong to His realm to His chosen, His children. Yesterday, in a time of prayer, the Lord revealed that the blood of His children through several generations of Abel, Zachariah, Stephen, James is to be remembered by us with thanksgiving to bless the generations of our descendants. It was a spiritual mystery revealed to us for the first time that it is not only the blood of the Lord Jesus Himself but that even of His servants is to be acknowledged and remembered for the blessing of our generations or descendants. He revealed some other secrets and spiritual mysteries. Truths about the unknown and unseen spiritual realms can be presented as sanctified secrets and unsanctified secrets. Cult groups like the Freemasons, The Church of Scientology, the Mormons and so on dabble in the latter. But, believers in Christ enjoy wholesome , sanctified and edifying secrets revealed in prophecies given by the Holy Spirit. We had gathered to pray for our older daughter who is leaving for London to study law in a couple of days. Years ago while both the kids were very young, the Lord had revealed that they would fly to the left and to the right. The Lord said, “ It is by falling that one learns to walk.” He further said, “ A child when born first cries and then learns to smile and laugh later” We might be sad at being parted for a time and some seasons with our first born. In this world, the things that we start with much joy and happiness end in sorrow, defeat and self destruction. But, the Lord revealed His secret concerning her that she must learn, make mistakes and grow strong by gaining experience. He revealed that which starts with tears will end in joy and laughter for the glory of God. Like Mary treasured many things that He heard about Jesus as a child, we must remember these confidences that the Lord had told us as often as possible. But, the secrets of the world are no laughing matter. It can be dangerous and eerie, fraught with consequences. The other day, I was surprised to learn from my older daughter that one of her classmates by putting his faith in what he read in the well known best seller, “ The Secret” began to delve deeper, albeit unwittingly into the world of spirits of darkness. He began to see or visualize demonic forces. Needless the delusionary thinking drove him into a kind of bipolar mental disorder. So much so it caused him to drop out of a prestigious law school. The secrets of the Lord in contrast are life-giving as these encourage us to pursue the truth, to be righteous and faithful. They are our spiritual heritage. They enable us to fulfill the requirements of the spiritual laws that God has put in place. Prateep V Philip

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