Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Speaking for the Lord

Speaking for God Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say Exodus 4 v 12 Moses sought to avoid the responsibility of leading Israel out of slavery in Egypt by saying that he had a stammering tongue. At the time the Lord gave this promise that He would be with his mouth and teach him what to say. Moses eventually spoke words and did things that drove terror into the hearts of the then superpower, Egypt under Pharaoh. So much so, Pharaoh let the people of Israel go. He obeyed the words of the stammering Moses who echoed what the Lord taught him to say, “Let my people go.” Even today many people try to evade leadership responsibility to lead people out of the bondage of sin saying that they are not eloquent or gifted communicators. This uni-verse is applicable in such situations and for such potential messengers of the Lord. The Lord is the one who has given us the power to speak, to listen , to understand and to lead. When the occasion and the opportunity arises, He will give us the grace to do so. As teachers anointed by the Lord, we need not be confused or perplexed when we need to share what He has taught us or laid upon our hearts to speak. We only need to pray and ask the Lord to send the Holy Spirit to be with our mouths as also with the hearing of the listeners for it is the Spirit who convicts all people that what we speak is the truth and not just our personal opinions. We are only messengers. It is the Lord who will give the message. Neither our ability or our inability to communicate is a factor. The Lord is never limited by our inability even as He is not dependent on our abilities to communicate. He does not rely on our own ability to communicate eloquently or persuasively or effectively. Jesus taught his disciples that when they are called to defend their faith and their actions before the councils of men, the Holy Spirit will give them the words to speak. Paul was given the boldness and the words to speak before kings and rulers as well as the priests and common people. At such times, we might be tempted to speak with words of human wisdom and counsel but we must desist and wait on the Lord to give us the specific word to share. The Lord will surely give the word to speak as it is part of the wages of a faithful worker. Prateep V Philip

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