Tuesday, February 25, 2014

All Our Springs in Him

UV 1022/10,000 Our Springs are in Him As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be there: all my springs are in thee. Psalm 87 v 7 In Zion or the kingdom of God, the singers go ahead praising the Lord with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, followed by the players of instruments like cymbals, harps, gongs, flutes and trumpets. Those who sing lift up their voices with joy. Those who play the instruments play with zest and great enthusiasm as if they can make those instruments compose and sing songs in praise of the Lord. Praise and thanksgiving if it is truly faith-based should precede and not follow our blessings. Those who are born again in Zion, a name signifying not a geographical location but a spiritual place where God dwells and rules, will always have a reason to sing, a reason to rejoice. The different aspects or domains of our lives, the physical, the intellectual, the emotional, the social, the spiritual, the familial, the financial, the creative, the aesthetic, the professional are like the ten strings on an instrument. Each of these aspects gives us both reasons to be glad and thankful to the Lord. All the things that we own or possess are given to us by the Lord so that our joy is full and to employ as instruments to praise the Lord. Others may attribute their blessings to their hard work, talent or luck but we must always be firm in our belief that all our springs have their source in the Lord and the Lord only. It implies that we have no source of joy apart from Him. When His spring is in us, we sing. A spring never runs dry even though a river can go dry. When people find their joy in wealth, position, power and pleasure, it can run dry. But when we find our joy in the Lord, when we find our joy in prayer and the Word, it becomes eternal springs that never run out of living water. All our springs arise from Jesus who gives mankind living water that will never make us thirst again. Living water is a metaphor for hope, for precepts and promises that we can apply and claim in our everyday lives. Rivers of life-enabling, life-blessing and life-giving praise and thanksgiving should always flow from our hearts, minds and bellies upwards, against the law of gravity and towards the Lord. When we dwell in or with the Lord, our lives will be like Elim an oasis in the desert that had twelve wells and seventy date palms. The twelve wells are symbolic of the provision of the Lord for every month of the year and the date palms are symbolic of every single year in our lives of seventy plus years being fruitful. The living water that flows in us that has its source in Jesus will not only never run dry but it also runs deep as a well. We can draw water with joy not only to satisfy our own need but the need of others in all ten domains of life. The enemy of our souls will try hard to close some of the springs and wells that bring joy to our souls. He will try to afflict us, hamper us, hinder us, disturb us, distract us, irritate and annoy us with a million little things. He steals our peace, kills our joy and robs our faith. But like Isaac re-dug and re-opened the wells closed by his neighbours and foes, we must be alert and pre-empt the enemy of our souls. We need to zealously guard the springs and wells the Lord has caused to rise up in our lives. Prateep V Philip

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