Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Significance of Agreement

UV 1169/10,000 The Significance of Agreement

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Amos 3 v 3

This simple statement or rhetorical question states a deep truth about relationship. Can God and man walk together except they agree between them? Can a man and a woman live together as husband and wife except they agree on basics? Can a person be someone’s friend unless there be some common points of shared values? Can a business partner pull on with another unless they agree with each other how to transact their business? Adam and Eve agreed with satan and disagreed with God. As a result, they as well as all succeeding generations of mankind suffered the consequences.

Noah was a just man in his generations and he could walk with God as he agreed with the principles that the latter had ingrained on his conscience. Agreement with God meant that he could not agree with the immoral practices and wickedness being practiced in Sodom and Gomorrah. Agreement with God meant that he listened to the voice of God in building a huge Ark when not a drop of rainfall was in sight. Agreement with God implies that we too should be able to live in holiness and to visualise what cannot be seen by others, to carry out the promptings of the Holy Spirit and the written instructions of God.

Abraham was another person who walked in agreement with God. As a result, he was blessed and he was made a blessing to succeeding generations. When we agree with God, He creates rivers of blessing for us in the desert experiences of life and makes a way out of the unchartered and unmapped wilderness of everyday life. The resurrected Jesus walked with the two unnamed disciples at Emmaus and taught them once again why He had to die for all mankind and they agreed with Him and were blessed. A husband and wife are yoked together for life and it is vital that they agree on what they believe in. This is the glue that holds them together through the thick and thin, the ups and downs of life. Scripture says, “What fellowship can righteousness have with unrighteousness, what communion can light have with darkness?” Similarly, a believer needs to be careful of how he or she chooses his or her friends. The Lord delights in concord, harmony, agreement, friendship. The kingdom of God is built of such as these. When a husband and wife agree to live according to godly principles, they are establishing the kingdom of God in their home. When we live in agreement with God, our bodies become the living temple of God and He will walk in us and with us.

Prateep V Philip

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