Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Process of Divine Inheritance

UV 1254/10,000 The Process of Divine Inheritance
That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Hebrews 6 v 12

This uni-verse underlines three aspects of our testimonial lives: one, we should be diligent and persevering, two, we should exercise faith in who God is and what He has promised us in His Word, three, we should be patient to wait with unflagging hope for the fulfillment of the promises we have claimed. While we have the assurance of faith, we cannot make that an excuse not to do the best with what lies with us and what lies in us. We have to strain every nerve, stretch every muscle, use every talent, hone every ability, utilize every moment and every opportunity to fulfill our part of the covenant responsibilities.
Next, we need to exercise our faith fully, knowing that God can do all that He has promised. Just as we are breathing all the time, we need to be praying unceasingly. We need to PUSH or Pray Until the Specific Happens, Praise Until the Specific Happens, Proclaim Until the Specific Happens. The “specific” refers to our specific need or the specific hope we are holding on to. Persistence shows that we are indeed faithful. We are wrestling with God in a friendly match of course, not struggling like Jacob did. The Lord allows us to wrestle for some time as He wants our faith muscles to develop. The areas in which we are to exercise our faith are: spiritual – the salvation of many as possible, the growth to maturity of ourselves and others; character- the abundance and growth of the fruit of the spirit in our nature; the physical- healing, immunity, longevity, well being; the financial- having enough to meet our need and to bless others; the social- having good friends and increasing influence; the emotional- to be vibrant and joyful so people know that God rules in us; the intellectual- to be wise, insightful, understanding and knowledgeable. To our faith, we should add excellence, all round excellence. Faith transforms our perspectives, our perceptions, our priorities. It leads us to obey the expressed and revealed will of God in all our practical everyday situations.
Having triggered the hopes we have in prayer and sustaining it through persistent prayer holding on to the specific promises of God, we should have the patience to wait with buoyant hope. We cannot rush God with His plans or His time table for our lives. Patience is said to be the prince of virtues and God wants to see His princes and princesses showing plenty of patience. It shows maturity and the willingness to submit to God’s will and timing. Patience also implies that we endure the troubles we face in our lives. Diligence, faith and patience then characterize the process by which we inherit the riches of the promises of God that we obtain by our belief in Christ, the first born. Jacob had to wrest the rights, privileges and blessings of the first born Esau using deception and subterfuge. But Jesus shares the rights, privileges and blessings of the first born of God with all humanity who are ready to exercise diligence, faith and patience.

Prateep V Philip

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