Friday, February 13, 2015

The Greatest Love, The Greatest Lover

UV 1328/10,000 The Greatest Love, The Greatest Lover

For God so loVed the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3 v 16

God loved us while we were yet unreconciled to Him. We were His enemies. But He loves us so much that He was prepared to send His only precious Son begotten like any of us of a woman to the earth to be the propitiation of blood for our faults and failings. His love is what is described in the Song of Solomon where the lover describes the intimate parts and organs including the teeth of the beloved which are “like a flock of sheep that have been freshly bathed in the river.” His love unlike most was not just an empty profession of love but a wilful and willing act of sacrifice, enduring the greatest pain and shame. The love of Jesus for His fellow human beings is the greatest love, greater than that of any lover for his beloved for He was willing to give up His precious sinless life for each of us and all of us. He is not jealous or possessive of our relationships with others but urges us to have closer bonds with our fellow beings.

God does not keep a record of our wrongs once we are committed to Him in Christ. He is not conceited or proud or resentful. He is not bitter or envious of our growth or prosperity or influence. His love, faith and hope in us never fail or fade. He does not ask the question that we so often ask, “ What’s in it for me?” He is selfless and His motive in saving us is pure. That we can live forever surrounded by His love is not just good news but the greatest news. That we need not deserve His love in any way, that we need not do anything to make us acceptable is of course incredible. He is the Valentine of our souls. He is interested and deeply concerned even in our well being both here and now as well as in eternity. He is the eternal lover everyone seeks but no one finds anywhere else.

Unlike any other love, we will not be satiated or bored with the love of Jesus. He always has a touch of mystery and mystique. He gives us many secret gifts. He does not condemn us as even our own consciences do. He never leaves us or forsakes us as He is Immanuel- God in us. Every moment with Him is a divine moment, an opportunity to know the mind of God and to reveal our deepest thoughts, concerns and desires to Him. He not only lived and died for us on the earth but shed every drop of His blood to complete the propitiation God had prepared ahead of time. Though He knows us intimately more than our spouses or our parents or closest friends, He does not find fault with us. He instead quietly prompts and prunes us in the areas where we need to change. He believes in us and expects us to be the best and do the best. He judges us unlike others not on the basis of our exterior but He sees and knows our hearts and minds as no one else does. He declares us blemishless and perfect in the sight of the Lord God. Our response is to learn more of His love and to emulate it in our lives in all our relationships. We should love the Word that cures us of our love for the world. Blessed Jesus’ Day- the one true VALENTINE.

Prateep V Philip

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