Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Grace of Leadership

UV 1438/10,000 The Grace of Leadership
And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:

Deuteronomy 28 v13

It is the destiny of the followers of Jesus to be influential leaders. The mantle of godly leadership falls on those who listen carefully to the commandments of God, diligently study these and apply it in every area and domain of life. The word “hear” in this context expands to mean “hear, enjoy, apply, rejoice”. Most believers are good at supplication but not at application. It is application that shows the extent of our faithfulness. We do not have to fight to achieve leadership positions but the Lord will orchestrate matters such that the believer and the applier becomes the head or leader..” As we study the Word and apply it in our lives, we receive the anointing or the empowerment to be leaders- the grace of leadership. We will rise above circumstances, however adverse and not sink under them. We will hold our heads up high in hope and confidence and not let them hang in shame or bow in fear.

Leadership is a divine calling and this is the reason why most earthly leaders fall or fail. They may have all the charisma and gifting. Yet they will be embroiled in one scandal or controversy or folly in the things they do or say in the course of their leadership. Take John F. Kennedy, a charismatic leader but the last has not been written of his sexual escapades while in White House. Princess Diana who won the hearts of the English people as well as admirers world-wide for her philanthropy and for espousing good causes had a series of clandestine affairs in reaction to her husband Prince Charles’ infidelity. Even business or corporate leaders plunge in terms of esteem due to some peccadillo or other. In the Old Testament times, a great Babylonian emperor like Nebuchadnezzar had to be humbled due to his exalting himself to the level of being a god. David, a man after God’s own heart, in a moment of weakness fell to the temptation of adultery and what amounted to murder in the eyes of God. Godly leaders are assertive, not aggressive. They will not let the tail wag the dog of leadership. They are firm but humble. They take principled stands on issues and are prepared to pay the price for it.

The Lord will not only make us the head but He will give us a head of wisdom and a heart of compassion. We will develop and use the qualities of head and heart that are needed for effective leadership. One has to subject oneself constantly to the leadership of God, the Holy Spirit. He will give us the calling or the field in which we should work, the gifting or abilities needed for such a calling and the qualities that should adorn such a calling. The so called secular or worldly paradigm of leadership has only these three components- knowledge, skills and attitudes. But, God-ordained leadership consists of Beliefs- Attitudes- Skills-Knowledge or BASK. Belief is the good root that gives rise to the good shoot and the good fruit. The belief in God and trust in His character are fundamental to leadership. The perspective of earthly leaders ends with a lifetime while the perspective of godly leaders arcs over into eternity. The concern or focus of earthly leaders could be physical, economic or social well being of the followers while the focus of godly leaders is holistic. Godly leaders tap into supernatural power of their God, Creator and Redeemer by making a pact with God such that He is their best friend, constant companion, wonderful counsellor, shrewd business partner and faithful life partner. Worldly leaders check if they have the resources while godly leaders check if God is present with them.

Prateep V Philip

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