Friday, August 21, 2015

Six Pack Powered Life and Leadership

UV 1510/10000 Six Pack Power
See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant
Jeremiah 1 v 10

Many people say that God or Jesus is the cornerstone of their lives but try to hide Him in a corner of their lives. Once we are cornered by troubles, we then bring Him back to the centre of our lives. When He is truly the Centre of the circle of our lives, He becomes the reference point for all aspects of our lives. His Word is the framework and substance of our lives from which we draw strength, sustenance and substance. The day we truly accept Him as the Centre of our lives and universe, from that day He will set us over the nations and kingdoms, principalities and powers of darkness that rule in the spiritual realm. He alone has the authority to do so as He is the Creator, Master, Sovereign and Redeemer. We are not to be pussy footed, weak kneed or pushover leaders or people. We should not pull our punches or do shadow boxing. He will enable us to root out and to pull down strongholds. He will equip us to destroy and to throw down. He will empower us to build and to plant. He will give us spiritual six pack power:- 1. To root out what needs to be rooted out 2. To pull down what needs to be pulled down in every realm and sphere of life 3. To destroy what needs to be so rooted out and pulled down so that they do not grow back with renewed vigour 4. To throw down what is not yet uprooted, pulled down and destroyed 5. To build the kingdom of God within us and among us and 6. To plant what needs to be planted- the good seed that will multiply. The first four roles or functions of holistic or spiritual leadership is related to uproot or to weaken while the second two roles or functions are related to positive building and planting.

By His great power and outstretched arm, He will deliver us from foes and forces too strong and powerful for us to even perceive or handle. The words of God in our mouth will be a sword and fire to destroy evil. The weapons of spiritual warfare are not those of flesh and blood or carnal but spiritual. These are mighty to tear down strongholds, to bring down every imagination or speculation that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and brings into captivity every thought in obedience to Christ. The spiritual functions of leadership and management that are not spoken of in the world’s literature are to uproot or eradicate evil from this world, to overthrow evil powers of the spiritual world, to cast down and to destroy the works of evil.

As we become willing instruments or agencies surrendered to the Lord, He Himself will build us up. He will cast out what is evil or negative in us. He will break the chains of negative thoughts, attitudes and habits as nothing else can. He will remove every limitation on our spiritual growth and development. He will repair the breaches, the places where our spiritual defences or walls have fallen down. He will strengthen us from deep within. By His grace, He will fill the gap between us and good, between us and what is acceptable in His eyes and between us and what is perfect. He will enable us to uproot the tares or weeds in our nature and to plant and grow the good seed to meet every need. The word “See” at the start of the uni-verse emphasizes that six pack power should be visible to both us and others and that it is not the figment of someone’s imagination.

Prateep V Philip

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