Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bull Working Power-Dealing with The Foxes of Worries and Anxiety

UV 1530/10000 Bull Working Power
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
Matthew 6 v 27

We need to be prayer warriors and not worriers. Worry about our present problems and difficulties, both real and imagined, self inflicted and cast on us by our circumstances, robs us of the joy of living, the motivation, the hope we need to sustain us. We need to get rid of both these foxes: worry and anxiety by turning all our worry moments into prayer moments. If you take the first letter of worry and and add it to the first and third letters in anxiety, we get the word “ wax”. When we pray, we enter the presence of the Lord God, the King of the universe, the Saviour of our souls. Worries and anxieties will melt like wax in His presence. His power will dispel and dissolve the cause or source of our worries and anxieties. Every time we enter the presence, we will emerge taller, stronger and more victorious against the present and future challenges.
In the combat with these two foxes, worry and anxiety, we need to cling to the promises of God and let go of the worries. As Jesus said, “ Do not worry about what you shall eat or how you shall clothe yourselves? Your Father in heaven knows what you need and will feed you.” For every problem we face, God has given us a solution in the form of a promise. We rob worries and anxieties of their power by reposing faith and confidence in these specific promises. Worries detract from our worth, our work and our worship. It is said to be worship offered to the wrong god. It robs us of our joy, peace, opportunities, gifts, talents and potential. These two foxes keep biting off chunks of our peace and joy, leaving us bleeding and bruised. We should not attempt to tame them or play games with them but tie them tail to tail like Samson did and send them where they belong- the fires of destruction.
By thinking positively we can instead add to our emotional, spiritual and intellectual stature. By praying positively we can add to our stature, blessings, peace and joy. Worries now become opportunities for prayer, praise, thanksgiving, worship, blessing and testimony. The more the worry, the merrier we can become. By meditating on the promises of God, we can add to our stature, status, salvation and stamina. The capacity to worry is turned into an opportunity to exercise and build our faith muscles. Jesus told us that we are carrying unnecessary loads on our minds and hearts. He stands next to us as a bull in the yoke ready to pull the plough of life in any field. He is equally yoked with us as He increases our strength from within. He gives us the power of a bull of Bashan to pull the yoke of life and of eternal life with Him. Whatever is too heavy or not necessary for us, He asks us to cast it at His feet. It will be a footstool of victory for Him.

Prateep V Philip

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