Thursday, October 22, 2015

Understanding, Wisdom, Creativity and Power

UV 1565/10000 Understanding, Wisdom, Creativity and Power
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth

God is the one who creates. By definition God cannot fail and hence, the one with whom God is and with whom he is cannot fail. God created the heaven and the earth. He created the heaven with understanding and He created the earth with wisdom. It implies that when we desire understanding and act with understanding, we bring a sense of heaven into our midst. When we act with wisdom, we are imitating God. Heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool. All the creative and positive things in heaven and on earth originate in the Creator. He created all things by His word that brought the visible things out of the invisible, something creative out of nothing. When we imbibe the Word, we too become creative people. A believer in God is a creative person. His or her faith enables him or her to see things before they are brought into existence or before they happen. The Word initiates a creative process in our minds and hearts. Scripture says that God made all things wisely and carefully. His wisdom is revealed in nature but it is embedded in His Word. As we meditate on His Word, it triggers a creative process in us. We do not need to be wise and understanding in order to be saved as we need only faith to be saved. But once we are saved, we need to be understanding and wise.

This morning as I walked around the hill resort where our family has come for a short vacation, the profusion and beauty of nature struck me as evidence of the purpose of creation. The variety of flowers of different shapes and colours, the variety of birds and other creatures with different colours and cries declare the glory of God even if man is silent. The purpose of creation is to declare the greatness of God. Man as the most complex of God’s creation was formed not just with the Word but was formed by the hands of God. The parallel for this uni-verse is John 1 verse 1 which says, “ In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was same as God.” John used the metaphor of Word for Jesus. His disciples said, “ You have the words of salvation.” God is not only the One who creates all things but He is the One who saves all people through Jesus. Salvation is an even deeper and more enduring work than creation. It is not an event but a lifelong experience and intimate relationship with Jesus.

Our lives become creative, powerful, effective, meaningful, purposeful as we spend time in and with the Word. As we look through the lens of the Word at the world, the underlying patterns will be revealed. The Word communicates the pattern of love, the pattern of power, the pattern of beauty and the pattern of excellence to our minds. There are some parallels between heaven and earth, the supernatural or spiritual and the natural worlds. The physical and the spiritual, the natural and the supernatural, the intellectual and the emotional are all knit together. From the beginning of each day to its end, from the beginning of each project or work till its completion, we need to see in our mind’s eye these patterns and by our words and actions weave these patterns into our lives.
Prateep V Philip

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