Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Alpha of Enlargement

UV 3012/10000 The Alpha of Enlargement

He brought me forth also into a large place: he delivered me, because he delighted in me
2 Samuel 22 v 20

The heroes of faith always found that the Lord set their feet in a larger place. The Lord enlarges those He delight in. Jabez, the once unwanted child of his mother prayed that the Lord enlarges his coast or his territory. The Lord enlarges the influence of the faithful. Esther was told by Mordecai that if she did not act, enlargement for the Jews would come from some other source. Enlargement in this sense was deliverance from condemnation by the arch enemy of the Jews- Haman. Enlargement meant deliverance from mass genocide due to an evil proclamation issued by the king under the latter’s influence.

Enlargement is an experience of divine freedom, freedom from the confines or restrictions of this sinful, disease-prone, disaster-prone, accident-prone, evil and unjust world. King David speaks of the enlargement of his heart by God so that he will run on the track of the commands of the Lord. In this sense, it means a broadening as well as deepening of our understanding of the will and purpose of the Lord so that we know that the commands or the word of the Lord are not meant to restrict us as we are naturally inclined to think but to expand our freedom, to prosper us in all our ways.

The path the righteous or the God-fearing, God-loving, God-living travel on is the road less travelled. It widens and brightens as we go further. We experience enlargement as we spend more time in the word, more time in prayer, more time communicating the love of the Lord to others. Enlargement comes from tasting the goodness of the Lord in a myriad ways- through blessings received, through times of trial and tribulation, through learning more about the length, height, width and depth of the agape love of God in Christ.

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