Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Alpha of Living By Faith

UV 3026/10000 The Alpha of Living By Faith
Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith
Habukuk 2 v 4

The enemy of our souls made the first man to believe that God is a liar. Man broke faith in the word of God. This displeased the Lord and man fell from grace. Jesus presented Himself to humanity many generations later as the Way, the Truth and the Life. When any man of his own free will places His trust in this truth, that Jesus is the Truth with a capital ‘T”, the very personification of the Truth of God, He comes into faith. That man or woman or child is justified and declared just or righteous in the sight of God by grace and faith. The one so justified or the “just” shall thereafter live by his faith not by his sense( intellect or reasoning) or his senses(five senses led by sight). For the person who is saved, his hearing becomes more important than his sight for by his inner hearing, he hears the Word of God. For him, the Word is food, drink and breath of his soul. He lives by the Word. The just shall live, here and now on earth as well as forever, by His Word.

Only the person who humbles his own soul and stops listening to its chatter can hear the Word and understand it is the truth. He lives by his own lights. He lives by his sense and senses. When we humble our own souls like little children who believe whatever their parents tell them, we are able to receive Jesus, the One who justifies, declares us righteous in the sight of God and equips us to live in accordance with our faith in His Word.
Now that we are justified, we are called to live by faith and not by sight. We are to check if in every aspect of our lives, we are living in accordance with our faith in our Redeemer Jesus. We can ask the Lord to fill us with His grace to cover the gaps in our faith. Even though we are believers, part of our natural and fallen selves disbelieves the Lord and makes Him out to be a liar. Knowing that He is faithful and true, we can ask Him for help to overcome such unbelief.

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