Monday, November 12, 2018

The Two Edges of Communication

UV 3102/10000 The Two Edges of Communication
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
Ephesians 4 v 29
The tongue is double-edged. If anything is double-edged like a sword, it can be used for benefit or for mutual harm. Hence, the human tongue more often than not is used for unfair criticism, harmful gossip, sarcasm, mockery, vulgarity, lying, slander, arguments, abuse, insults, conflicts, to express wrath. As children of God, our tongues should have only one edge- the edge that is used by leaders and teachers to build, to encourage, to inspire, to guide, to bless, to instruct, to edify. The tongue of the godly leader is not forked like that of a serpent, bending this way and that way. It is not to be used to express unfaithfulness or lack of faith in God. Our words should be in agreement with the spirit and word of God. Such communication would be wholesome, helpful, beneficial to the listeners. In contrast to the "leader edge" , the bleeder edge causes only harm.
Likewise, we should not use our communication to boost up our own image or ego that is often the source of envy and conflict in human relations. We should use our communication to make the Lord understood, known and acknowledged for He is the giver of this amazing G0d-like ability – the ability to express creatively, communicate beneficially and in a wholesome way. Our words should be seasoned or flavoured with grace and gentleness. It takes a lot of discipline to bring our tongues under the control of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will teach us how to communicate and how much to speak. He will help us measure our words against the truth of the word of God.
One loose word can often cause hell fire to break out on earth, in our homes and even among our nearest and dearest. Instead, scripture says that a soft answer will turn away great wrath. The enemy wants to use the harmful edge of our tongues to cut up our own lives, to destroy peace, to cause strife. The human tongue is one of the chief targets of the enemy as it is also the chief source of expressing faith in the grace of God. The enemy is delighted when we use our tongues in an indiscriminate way. Conversely, the Holy Spirit is grieved when we engage in heated arguments and express anger or bitterness. Our tongues are meant to be pure fountains of life and not instruments that spew death, harm, curses and ill will. Our words should increase the faith of our listeners and paint for them the character and image of the invisible God so that they almost begin to see or perceive the Creator and Redeemer in everything we speak and do. In this manner, we will be ministering grace or building belief in the agape, unlimited love, power and mercy of the Lord. For this the rough, harmful, sharp edge of our tongues should be neutralised, tamed, made wholesome and healthy.

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