Monday, February 17, 2020


UV 3470/10000 Our RAM

So Abraham named that place, “The Lord WILL Provide. And it is said to this day, “ On the mountain of the Lord it will be seen and provided.”

Genesis 22 v 14

God had anointed Abraham as a prophet, one who sees and hears what God is going to do. Hence, the above uni-verse is a prophetic utterance of the Lord God providing the perfect sacrifice of the Servant Leader, the Lamb without blemish, Jesus for the absolute absolution of all mankind. The Servant Leader is the only One in all of history and indeed, all of religion who said in effect, “ I have done it for you. You don’t need to do anything to save yourselves for eternity.” The serpent leader stole eternity from mankind and keeps doing it in our individual lives but the One God provided restores it back to us.

God provided the perfect sacrifice on the mountain called Golgotha. Unlike the RAM God provided in place of Isaac, that was caught or trapped by its horns in a thicket and would have run away to avoid being sacrificed, the Servant Leader Jesus came willingly, giving up His place next to the Father in Heaven. He willingly ascended the mountain, carrying the heavy burden of the cross in order to bear the even heavier burden of our infirmities and sins. Having provided His only begotten Son, Jesus will God withhold anything else we could ever need. Our faith is our RAM or our Random Access Memory, the power behind and in our lives.

Instead of taking the absolute sacrifice of Jesus for granted, we should respond with continual sacrifice from our hearts of praise, thanksgiving and worship of the Lord. We need to appropriate the grace or tremendous strength and power of Jesus to live a testimonial, faithful life. Abraham proved that complete sensitivity to the voice and word of God and total obedience is the other side of the coin of faith. Together the word of God with the word of testimony of faithful people is the source of salvation, eternal life and blessings.

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