Thursday, November 12, 2020

Evidence of Being Filled with Grace and Power

UV 3664/10000 Evidence of Being Filled with Grace and Power Now, Stephen, full of grace ( divine blessing, favour) and power, was doing great wonders and signs (attesting miracles) among the people. Acts 6 v 8 Just as Jesus was described a full of grace and truth, Stephen was a man full of grace and power. We, too, in this age and time can be filled with the grace and power of Jesus. We, too, can do great wonders and signs attesting our faith. Stephen, it is also written, was filled with the Holy Spirit. In his defence before the Jewish Council, he explained the historic events that led to the Tabernacle of God being established in human bodies made by God as we believe in the propitiation offered by Jesus. Stephen spoke of the God of glory, the shekinah or radiant glory of heaven and even as he was being stoned to death, he was granted the grace of seeing God in all His glory seated on His throne with Jesus by His side. Stephen emphasized in his defence of faith that we cannot build anything for God but God can dwell in us. If heaven is His throne, the earth is His footstool and everything we should do should be in an attitude of worship and thanksgiving. The Lord humbles Himself to dwell in the sinful hearts of man as the Righteous One, Jesus made our hearts justified or straight. We can now perceive the glory of God and make known His glory by attesting signs and wonders as evidence of His presence and power in our lives. Stephen was given the grace to be a martyr for the Lord, the very first one. The signs and wonders he did was as evidence of the indwelling glory of God. Like Stephen, we cannot enter the presence of God and leave it unchanged. Every time we enter the glorious and awesome presence of God and get a glimpse of Him, we are transformed degree by degree, so that we ourselves, become a better tabernacle of the Lord. The Lord is patient with us and waits for our entire lives to turn ourselves completely to Him. Our zeal can, of course, speed up the process of our transformation.

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