Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Enjoy, Apply, Teach

UV 4143/10000 Enjoy, Apply, Teach Your words were found and I ate them, and Your words became a joy to me and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts. Jeremiah 15 v 16 We need to search for the word of the Lord. The word that is meant specifically for us is called the “rhema” word. By searching the logos or the general or whole word, we find the rhema, the specific word the Lord intends for us in a given situation on a given day or moment. This is why knowledge of the word is vital for salvation and for spiritual growth. Having found the word, we need to consume it, read, memorise, meditate on it with zeal or enthusiasm as we would a choice or favourite dish. Eating the word of God keeps us from eating our own words. For the Lord has called us His children. As our Father, He takes the responsibility to feed us, to guard us, to guide and defend us. He always has a whole standing army of angels to defend us for that is what the term “God of hosts” mean. Like there is a specific word, there is a specific angel for different tasks. The word “EAT” is an acronym for Enjoy, Apply, Teach. We need to enjoy learning the word, applying it in practical ways in our lives, delight in teaching it to others to equip them to lead godly lives. We are given a new identity as believers of Christ. We are given His name as His followers. We are sons and daughters of God. When we call out to Him, He will feed us with His divine manna- His word. Just as morsels of food after chewing are further digested in the stomach and then sent through the blood to all parts to provide energy for activity, protein for building the cells, regenerating the eroded parts, when we chew on the word, break it into smaller parts, cover it with digestive juices and then, it is ready to nourish our spiritual and inmost being. It becomes the delight of our hearts. It produces joy, peace, confidence, security, wisdom, knowledge in us which equip us for life, the abundant and eternal life in Christ. The word needs to be stored in the heart to keep us from falling into sin. What is bitter in the mouth and mind, becomes sweet as honey in our inner parts. We should not just feed on the lighter parts of the word which is like milk for the new born but delve deep, sink our teeth into the bone and meat of it to grow to maturity. The commands and warnings in the word produce discipline and wisdom in us while the promises produce hope, courage, faith, opportunities for the Lord to act in our lives. Each promise we believe and claim is like a door we leave in our hearts for the Lord to enter and work a miracle.

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