Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Willingness and Obedience

UV 472/10,000 Isaiah 1 v 19 Willingness and Obedience Isa 1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: We are expected to be willing and obedient: willing to follow Jesus and obedient to the Word of God. When we do so, we will be blessed and we will eat of the good of the land. Once in a time of prayer, the Lord revealed for the first time an interesting sequence of verses starting with Mathew 6 v 6, Mathew 7 v 7, Mathew 8 v 8 , Mathew 9 v 9, Mathew 10 v 10. Mathew 6 v 6 speaks of the need to commune intimately and privately with the Lord, Mathew 7 v 7 is about asking, seeking and knocking, Mathew 8 v 8 is about the centurion’s faith in the authority of Jesus, Mathew 9 v 9 is about Mathew’s implicit obedience of the Lord in obeying His call to follow Him. Mathew 10 v 10 is about trusting the Lord for our needs, that the Lord will reward or compensate or pay our wages. Each of these verses has an underlying key principle of faith. Together, they form the matrix or womb of faith from which will be born the offspring of blessing. Sometimes, we go through experiences where the offspring of blessing seems to be still-born. It might be because we ignored one or other of these principles in the practice of our faith. The Lord will indeed withhold no good thing from the one who walks in faith and in integrity. Willingness to follow the Lord wholeheartedly even as Mathew left the tinkling cash counter to follow Jesus releases the blessings of Jehovah Jireh- the dispensation of God to provide for our daily needs. A young lady was the other day in tears, saying, “ I have no job.” I just encouraged her to hold on to her faith and the Lord will provide her a job soon. I asked her to claim Mathew 7 v 7. She prayed, “ Daddy, you will surely provide for all my needs. You will send a job my way before the month end.” Yesterday, she called cheerfully to say that miraculously, she got an interview call the very next day from an online job site and was offered a job. She had obeyed the Lord’s commandment to ask, to seek and to knock. We need to ask specifically, persistently and expectantly. We need to seek diligently. We need to knock on the door of opportunities that come our way. Then, we will surely eat of the good of the land. Prateep V Philip

1 comment:


    Alexander Easow
