Monday, March 31, 2014

Signs and Wonders

UV 049/10,000 Signs and Wonders

Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion.

Isaiah 8 v 18

The children we have are not ours but they belong to the Lord. He has entrusted them to us for their upbringing in the fear of the Lord. Yesterday, in a time of prayer the Lord said, “ Your children are not yours but mine. Your house is my tabernacle. You own nothing. You only own G O D and J E S U S. “ We need to live as if we own nothing and everything that is ours is the Lord’s. We are owned by the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel who dwells in Zion as well as in us and with us. God dwells on the mountain of Zion. But He is the one who created all the mighty mountains. Though He is the God of Israel, He is the One who created all nations and people and so, dwells in all nations and places. Hence, He dwells everywhere but specially in Zion and in human hearts who believe in His love, mercy and grace. Our attitude should always be like that of Isaiah the prophet who always offered his life as a sacrifice before the throne of the most High God, saying, “ Here am I!” We need to also dedicate the children God has given us back to Him, saying, “ they are Yours!”

One of the names of the Lord in the book of Revelation is Lord Amen. He taught us the meaning by revelation of the Holy Spirit. The expansion of each letter of AMEN is: A stands for “agree”. We agree in the spirit with the Lord and agree with His Word and He causes it to be. M stands for “motive”. He knows every motive behind every thought, word and deed and establishes His motive in and through it. E stands for “end”. What we start in Him, we will end it in Him and in success and satisfaction. N stands for “ Nation” . We belong to the Lord’s spiritual nation. We are citizens of His kingdom. We are rulers and authorities of this nation and what we decree or command or order, the Lord will cause it to be. Indeed, every letter in God’s Word has a hidden meaning and interpretation that can enrich our lives and equip us to face up to our challenges and so become overcomers.

The children of the righteous are taught of the Lord. We are the children of the Righteous God of Israel and great shall be our peace both now and forever. We are kept as signs and wonders by the Lord of the armies of heaven. Our lives are a signboard pointing out that Jesus is the way, the truth and life. When we dwell or live in close union and fellowship with the Triune God, our lives will be full of signs and wonders. Many signs and wonders will be made manifest to us. Our lives will be full of the wonders of the testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness in difficult if not impossible situations. Our lives will also be testimony of the fulfillment of the wonderful promises of God contained in His Word and waiting to be released by faith into the lives of people.
Prateep V Philip

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