Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Multi-Dimensional Greatness and Grace of God

UV 1050-10,000 Multi-Dimensional Greatness
And God said, “ This is the sign of the covenant I am making between Me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come.”
Genesis 9 v 12

Our lives resemble that of Noah, Job and Daniel. When the rest of the family of Noah, namely Lot pursued the prosperity of Sodom, Noah wanted no part with it. God sent the flood to destroy the world. It is amazing that a man in Netherlands has built an Ark to the precise dimensions of Noah’s Ark after his seeing a nightmare of a massive flood. It shows how doable and real it was. He built it with just four others from some 1500 beachwood trees. After the great flood, God set a sign of His covenant or agreement with man above the clouds in the sky and said it is a covenant not just with Noah but with every living creature with him in the Ark, namely his family and all the species. He also said that it is a covenant for all generations to come. Each promise of God is eternal and meant individually for each of us when we go through difficulties and troubles like Noah, Job and Daniel.

The acroustic VIBGYOR that stands for the seven colours of the rainbow violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. In the USA, it is written in the reverse ROYGBIV meaning the “King who brings inner victory.” It implies that we have victory over the world and its evil by the blood of Jesus. The “ I” means that we should walk in the integrity of our hearts and minds before the Lord. The “ blue” implies that He has taken us from the miry clay and made us like royal blue or royalty. We need to have the boldness of a lion. The “ green” stands for the promise that the Lord is going to prosper us in every domain of life. The “ Y” stands for yield- as we yield ourselves more and more to the Lord, He will doubtless increase our yield. The “ O” stands for organize- we should organize our lives with Jesus as the center of our lives, the focus and the locus. The “ R” stands for the atoning sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection power that is able to raise us up from the dead and every death-like situation. The “ Red” should undergird everything we think, speak and do. Over the past few years, the Lord has shown me seven different types of amazing rainbows as a reminder of His covenant faithfulness. His faithfulness, love and grace are many-splendoured, multi-dimensional, multi-purpose and multiplies by faith. In this world, if someone shines in just one aspect of life or domain like golf, fashion, movies, literature, people declare him or her as an icon but the rainbow shows how the Lord’s greatness, goodness and magnificence is revealed in a million different ways in this universe.

The Lord does not promise that we will not have struggles and challenges. The greater the challenges, difficulties and struggles, the greater is the power of resurrection the Lord will release into our souls, the greater will be the victory we have, the greater will be the testimony, the greater will be the glory of God. There is a rainbow around the throne of God in heaven. It is a sign that He reigns in our lives and on earth. The multi-dimensional greatness of God in heaven is revealed as multi-dimensional grace on earth. Where there is a flood of troubles, afflictions, struggles in our lives, the Lord sends the rainbow as a sign of His faithfulness, a banner of love over our lives, a flag of victory in different areas of our lives.

The principles that can be deduced or evolved from the concept of the Multi-dimensional greatness of God is:
1. We will be given forewarning or we will be enabled to anticipate a flood or trouble before it arises
2. We will be given divine instructions on safeguarding ourselves in a precarious situation
3. As we follow the instructions from above, we will ride the storm or ride over the flood and not be caught in it.

Prateep V Philip

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