Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Blocks and Bondages

UV 2135/10000 Blocks and Bondages
Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.
John 11 v 39

From this uni-verse we learn that the Lord expects us to remove the blocks and bondages that we ourselves have placed or tied ourselves with. Jesus asked the people who placed the stone to remove it themselves. Likewise, when Lazarus came to life again when Jesus said, “ Lazarus, come forth”, He told them to set him loose as he was bound with a shroud around his face and his limbs were tied with grave clothes. The Lord expects us to do the possible and He will do the impossible. The Israelites led by Moses had to begin walking towards the Red Sea while the Lord parted the waters for them to walk through. The Lord gave the manna and the quails while the Israelites had to collect it. The body provided the few fish and the bread while the Lord multiplied it to feed the multitude. The apostles had to venture out fishing in the Sea of Galilee. They cast their nets down into the water. The Lord filled it to the point of bursting. If we initiate with faith, the Lord will complete it with grace. If we walk one mile, the Lord will walk the extra mile with us.

By the things we do, say and think, we place hurdles in our own paths. We tie ourselves up with the thoughts we think and the words we speak, the things we do. Jesus will not free us from these things as He expects and directs us to remove the obstacles ourselves and remove the blockages or bondages that restrict us in the spirit. He only promises that if we believe, we will see His glory, His greatness, His goodness, His grace, His power, His mercy. He will bring to life again by His word the things that are dead in our lives.

We need to identify the things in our lives that stink, that is displeasing to the Lord and have these removed. There are things the Lord has warned us to avoid or to do. We need to obey these instructions implicitly. Our own limiting beliefs are the stone and the bonds that inhibit or restrict us, keeping the grace and power of God from being fully manifest in our lives. Our vision is shrouded and clouded by our own fears and doubts. These things weigh heavily on our mind and restrict the Spirit of the Lord from working fully in us. We need to take decisive action to remove these.

Prateep V Philip

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