Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Alpha of Idols

UV 3061/10000 The Alpha of Idols
For all the gods of the people are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.
I Chronicles 16 v 26

The God of the Bible proclaims that He is the living God, the everlasting King, the creator of heaven and earth, of all things bright and beautiful. He cannot be replaced or substituted by idols made with human hands of wood, stone , iron or precious metals for unlike these, He can see, He can speak, He can move, He can smell, He can feel, He can hear. He made the stars infinite in number and beauty and power to reflect that He is infinite and cannot be confined to a particular shape or size. We can understand Him but we cannot comprehend Him. We can relate to Him but we cannot confine Him. He is a living Person with attributes similar to us. We are derived from Him and not He from us. We cannot find meaning, power, purpose apart from Him but we can find all this and more in Him. Though He is invisible and beyond human senses, He makes Himself known in many ways, through nature, human nature and chiefly through His Son Jesus who is the visible image of the invisible God.
Our most significant relationship in this life and the life to come is with the Lord. We need to be able to move from doubt to faith like St Thomas when He had the revelation of the Holy Spirit and He declared, “My God and My Lord.” The repetition of “My” shows the deeply personal and intimate relationship He invites to, every individual who has ever lived and will ever live. As He is “my God”, we worship Him. As He is “My Lord,” we obey Him. Worship and obedience goes hand in hand. Like the ozone layer of O3 provides protection from harmful ultraviolet rays, His omniscience, His omnipresence, His omnipotence protects, provides, leads, guides, strengthens, counsels, blesses, equips all who are in such a personal relationship.
The primary way a person relates to another is through communication. The most precise and permanent communication is in writing. Hence, though the Lord communicates in other ways, His primary mode of communication is the written word. In the beginning, man broke faith with God by mistrusting His word and believing the word of the enemy of his soul. Now, the means of restoring faith and personal relationship with God is again the word. The means of understanding His ways is also the word. We have manuals for using every product but the manual for man to live his life right is the word. God is no longer beyond man’s reach and access but He is Immanuel or God with us. He sees us, He feels us, He smells us, He touches us, He hears us, He moves mountains or barriers in our way, He inspires us, He blesses us, He encourages us, He teaches us, He corrects and refines us for He loves us.

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