Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Alpha of Instruction

UV 3065/10000 The Alpha of Instruction
To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity
Proverbs 1 v 3
Instructions regarding knowledge of the material world are received from our books and our schools and higher institutions of learning but instructions regarding godly wisdom, justice, integrity, judgement of righteousness and sin and equity or fairness are received from the Lord through His word. Wisdom is about our duties to God and to ourselves, Justice is about our duties to others, judgement helps us in our decision making while equity again is about our duty to others. Only a fool will despise such instructions. The wise will apply their hearts to learn and apply the instructions of the sovereign Lord. They will incline their ears to hear the word or alpha daily and go forth into the world and apply it all round – the application aspect is omega. Blessings flow from merely hearing the instructions of the Lord but greater blessings follow those who hear, remember, meditate, teach and obey the instructions of the Lord in the details of their lives.
We show that we truly revere or respect and hold the Lord in awe when we seek out His wisdom, diligently study it and apply it in all aspects of our lives. The Lord also instructs us through other godly persons in our lives. He instructs us through the agency of the Holy Spirit. The instructions of the Lord keeps us safe from many follies, temptations and unnecessary troubles and trials. It trains our character so that we follow the templates of behaviour, decision making, communication and relationship which are described in scripture. For the Lord, our templates of conduct are as important as the temples of worship. The instructions of the Lord are compared to a lamp in terms of illumination of every step we take, a strong foundation in terms of strength and stability it gives to our lives, our feelings, thoughts and behaviour, precious metals like gold or silver in terms of purity, value and beauty, wholesome food to give us health and energy of life, medicine to cure us of all ills, path ways of truth, a map to navigate life.
To conform to the patterns and principles of the Word is to be transformed from within. The instructions of the Lord are not meant to confine or restrict us but to give us more spiritual freedom to grow and enjoy the presence and the blessings of the Lord. Each instruction is connected with obtaining the blessing of a particular promise. Without the instructions of the Lord, we are like the blind leading the blind, not knowing where we are heading to. We neglect His instructions to our detriment. With His instructions, we have a clear sense of vision and direction.

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