Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Alpha of Lordship

UV 3081/10000 The Alpha of Lordship
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created
Revelation 4 v 11

Scripture states that Jesus is worthy to receive all power, honour, glory, riches, wisdom, strength and blessing. He is indeed the source of all power, honour, glory, riches, wisdom, strength and blessing in the entire universe or world even as the sun is the single source of energy to keep all species alive on our planet. He is the Creator of all things and for His pleasure, we are created. Yet, He suffered much pain, agony, extreme anguish on our account. Even as we lived for our own pleasure in our ignorant past, we now live and exist for the pleasure of the Lord. He is declared not just as Saviour, a loving Saviour but He is the awesome King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Lordship of Jesus implies that He enjoys number one place in our lives. We owe Him our reverence and our complete obedience.
The Lordship of Jesus means that while we are now children of God by faith and grace of Jesus, we are also servants of God. Unlike the lords of our world, He needs not an outer show of obedience out of fear but an inner obedience of thought, word, emotions and deeds out of love and gratitude. Yes, even our emotions are to obey Him. Normally, our emotions like anger, fear, hatred control us but we need to subject these powerful emotions to the control of the Lord. The Lord has a first claim over our time, our attention, our love, our resources. We acknowledge that He is sovereign and unchallenged in our lives. We surrender the totality of our existence to Him in an attitude of trust and love.
The Lordship of Jesus means that we learn and obey His will implicitly and explicitly. We humble ourselves like He did and we serve others with love as He did. The Lordship of Jesus means that all we are and all that we own or have belongs to the Lord. We reserve the best for Him and we use all our talents and opportunities to serve, glorify and make Him known, His power manifest, His will explained. Jesus becomes our grand obsession and we feel His presence in our life all the time. We listen and respond promptly to the promptings and whisper of the Holy Spirit.

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