Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Alpha of the Narrow Gate

UV 3097/10000 The Alpha of the Narrow Gate

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it

Matthew 7 v 14

The wisdom of God is counter intuitive. If confronted by a choice between a wide road with many people travelling on it and a narrow path with few travelling on it, the average human would always choose the former. Jesus , however, urges us to choose the narrow path. The believer seemingly has fewer options than the free thinker. He or she cannot go to the left or right of the path indicated in the word of the Lord. We do not have the freedom to do whatever pleases us. But this narrow path leads to salvation, eternal life, victory and peace. All are invited to take this path but few choose it. We can enter into the kingdom of God only through the door or gate that is Jesus. Once we enter through faith in Jesus, the path is narrow, difficult and steep. But only a difficult path leads to a beautiful destination.

What appears to be narrow or constricted is actually the widest. We enjoy the greatest blessings of being accompanied by the presence of the Lord every step of the way. The Holy Spirit lights up the path with the help of the word that is a lamp unto our feet. Even if we stumble and fall at times, the Lord helps us again to our feet. The ones who chose the wide road are led by the blind and often fall into the ditch. But we have the benefit of visionary leadership, infinite wisdom , infinite power in the person and example of Jesus. We walk with our hands locked in the hand of the Lord. We are never alone or helpless or clueless.

Once we enter the narrow path of Jesus, there is no going back. As we travel, the path becomes wider and brighter as we go. We actually realize that the purpose of our lives is being fulfilled. We realize that we actually enjoy more freedom on this path for it is not a man-made path. The Lord places signposts and navigational guidance along this path. When we slow down, He encourages us. While on the broad path of this world, we would have a lot more company, there are many snares and booby traps that would leave us hurt, angry, bitter, disappointed, the narrow path is mapped out for us. Though at times, we seem to be walking in darkness, we know for sure that we would soon emerge into the complete light of the presence and power of the Lord.

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