Monday, January 7, 2019

The Alpha of Recognition of Reality

UV 3149/10000 The Alpha of Recognition of Reality
And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger
Luke 15 v 17
Every human resembles the younger son who in his pride thought he knew better than his Father. We rebel as we think that to be free means to be away from the Father. True humility is submission to God while arrogance is non submission. When the younger son came to his senses as many of us do in the course of our lives, he realized the abundance of the goodness of the Father. He then chose to return to the Father’s home. A failure to understand who we are vis –a – vis God, our Father is what deprives us of His love, His comfort, His provision, His protection.
Like the younger son, each of us needs a turning point in our lives. We need to turn from sin to the light of God’s love, from darkness to light, from spiritual death to spiritual life, from spiritual poverty to spiritual abundance in Christ. The irony of the difference from the narration of the prodigal son’s story by Jesus is that in reality the elder Son Jesus becomes the means for the salvation of all His brothers- all humans born before and after Him. Like Saul’s eyes blinded by ignorant zeal and hatred for the followers of Jesus, the scales of our eyes that blinkered our vision and kept us from the Truth need to fall off.
Like the loving father in the story, our Father in heaven welcomes us with open arms. He embraces us in His love. He places the signet ring of His authority over His household- the Earth, the whole universe and even heaven itself on our finger. We can speak and act and direct the servants of the Lord in His name. He clothes us with the clothes of salvation. He gives us shoes that help us walk in the direction and the path He has shown us. We no longer live for temporal goals but for the eternal. We will never want to depart from Him, His love ever again. Instead of collecting the stones and food for the pigs, we collect the pearls of the Lord’s wisdom every single day of our lives.

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