Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Alpha of Uncertainty of Riches

UV 3150-10000 The Alpha of the Uncertainty of Earthly Riches
Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy
I Timothy 6 v 17

We should not find our security or our hope and confidence in the riches of the world. Instead, our hope, trust and confidence is in the Lord. We should rejoice in the Lord and not in our possessions. Those who are rich in this world are often poor in the sight of the Lord. We should seek to be rich in the eyes of the Lord in terms of our good attitudes, behaviour, good deeds and our giving. Material or monetary riches of this world are highly uncertain and can take flight from us. If our health is affected, what good can wealth do ? If our reputation is bad, what good is great riches? If we do not have a peaceful home and peace of mind, what use is riches?

The Lord is the source of all our blessings. He is the One who gives us our skills and abilities. So we cannot gloat in our money or possessions. There is nothing we can ever have that was not granted by the Lord. This is the reason Job said, “ He has given and He has taken.” We should yearn for the true riches of the word of God that enriches our understanding and our hearts, minds and souls. The riches of this world are deceptive and does not satisfy our souls. Our souls are satisfied only in the presence of the Lord, our personal relationship with Him.
We should not look down on those who are poor but try to extend our hand of help to them. The blessings the Lord has given us are an opportunity to also meet the needs of others around us. The temptation of great wealth is that we tend to consciously or unconsciously replace the Lord with material or monetary wealth as the alpha and omega of our lives. When we do this, the locusts of irrational fears, excessive worries and anxieties will weigh on our minds, resulting in the wealth turning out to be more a liability than a pleasure. People build great empires out of their industry and innovativeness only to leave it to unworthy successors who cannot maintain or develop it. When the Lord makes a person wealthy, He adds no sorrow to it. Rather, He adds purpose, meaning, power, joy, peace and blessings of longevity and a good testimony to it. Our greatest longing should therefore, be for eternal riches and not earthly riches, for the kingdom of God and not earthly empires of power, wealth and fame.

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