Monday, April 15, 2019

Vitamin D

UV 3230/10000 Vitamin D
God made the two great lights- the greater light(the sun) to rule the day, and the lesser light(the moon) to rule the night; He made the (galaxies of ) stars also (that is, all the amazing wonders in the heavens)

Genesis 1 v 16. The Amplified Version

It is the will and purpose of God that light should rule over darkness. The sun, a homonym and metaphor for His Son, Jesus, the Light of the world rules over the darkness and the moon, a satellite that has no light of its own, symbolizes us who believe in Jesus. We reflect His light in the contemporary darkness. The Lord God has separated us from the darkness. He created the sun, moon and stars on the third day which is symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus on the third Easter Sunday. His light ruled over darkness, His life rules over death.

In order for us to reflect more and more light of the Son, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to hover or brood over the darkness in our souls. He separates the light from the darkness in our souls. The Son rules over the Day, meaning He rules forever in the eternal realms where there is no darkness while He has anointed us, here and now , to rule over the darkness. The darkness cannot comprehend the light but the light disperses the darkness. We should not however feel superior or judgmental for we, too were once part of the darkness, once ruled by the forces of darkness and even now there is some amount of darkness in our souls that the Holy Spirit is still separating and distilling with His light.

We find our healing, our deliverance, our salvation, eternal life, our solace, our strength in the rays of light, the words of the Lord and those of His faithful servants right through history. We derive Vitamin D that stands for dedication, devotion, determination, discipline and diligence in the Light of the world. He, Jesus dedicated His pure life on this Earth to all humanity without distinction or discrimination. He devoted Himself to serve the Father and in uplifting all humanity. He was determined with the strength of flint stone to complete His mission on Earth. He disciplined His entire being to obey the Father and to comply with all the instructions He had received. He studied with diligence the scriptures to know how He should shine as the Light in this world. He has done amazing and countless wonders in our lives, hitherto and He will continue to shine forth from us.

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