Sunday, November 3, 2019

Restraint and Motivation

UV3390/10000 Restraint and Motivation
Where there is no vision ( no revelation of God and His word), the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law (of God).

Proverbs 29 v 18

The revelation of God and His word are what restrains us from evil and our natural desires. It keeps us on the path of pursuing a principled or righteous life. The source of our blessing and happiness lies in our heeding and obedience of His word. Without the wisdom of the word filling us, we would succumb to lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and pride of life. The Word is like the reins with which a rider controls a horse. It keeps us from living wildly pandering to our whims and desires that are sinful and self destructive.

The Word teaches us to be determined, upright, hard working, considerate to others, unselfish, gentle in our communication. It influences at a deeper level our thought life from which proceeds all actions and behaviour. It gives us precepts or principles to guide all our decisions and actions. Apart from studying and apply the word diligently, we should also seek a vision or revelation from the Lord about His will and purpose for our lives. The person –specific revelation along with the word that is common to all believers will help us regulate our emotions and stay motivated and happy or fulfilled individuals.

We should seek and ask for a vision of the risen Jesus even as the murderous blood thirsty and ruthless Saul became transformed into St Paul, the apostle. Jesus defined Himself as the way. He is the way to blessing, happiness and wisdom. He is the way to eternal life, nay He is eternal life. John described Jesus as the Word for when we receive Him as the engrafted word into our hearts, we begin to understand and keep the law of God. He helps us discipline the natural man and experience the supernatural. Even as we are restrained from evil, we are motivated and impelled to be good and do good.

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