Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Restoration of Breaches

UV 3395/10000 The Restoration of Breaches
In that day I shall raise up and restore the fallen tabernacle of David, and wall up its breaches; I will also raise up and restore its ruins and rebuild it as it was in the days of old.

Amos 9 v 11

Sometimes the enemy breaks through our defenses through a temptation, a snare or trap, by being involved in a needless conflict, arguments or through our losing our temper or self control. The Word states that losing our temper is like breaking down the outer walls of a city. The enemy can easily breach and destroy our peace if we do not control our tongue or our temper. But in this uni-verse, the Lord promises to restore us, to re-build the ruins of our lives like it was before. He is a God not only who saves us but One who restores us, rebuilds us. He helps us recover from crises, from emotional breakdown, from personal melt down.

If a thief enters a house, the owner or occupant of the house should take steps to prevent a similar breach in future. Likewise, we should take steps to prevent security breaches in our lives by being alert, proactive and careful. The Holy Spirit will counsel us on the steps we should take. We only need to be sensitive to act accordingly. We need to invite Him on a regular basis to examine our lives to help us discern our areas of likely breach or weakness. We are vulnerable in a variety of ways and the enemy knows our weak areas. Since steel can be cut only with steel, the invisible and powerful enemy can be defeated only with the help of the invisible and invincible Spirit of God.

David, though he was endorsed by the Lord as one who had a heart after God, fell into various temptations and trials. He fell to the temptation of adultery when he let down his guard. Yet, when he repented, the Lord restored the relationship David had with Him. We can avoid needless losses, conflicts, struggles and strife by disciplining our thoughts, our tongues, our temper and our physical desires. We certainly need the help of the Holy Spirit to both pre-empt as well as to heal the breaches in our lives, relationships and homes. The enemy is real, the threats are real, the results can be disastrous if we succumb to his wiles. His main target is to attack the “tabernacle of peace” or the inner peace we have in God, to make us feel low in spirit, insecure, emotionally drained, weary, discouraged, hopeless, desperate on the one hand or angry and bitter at the other.

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