Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A View of the New

UV 3430/10000 A View of the New
Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43 v 19

God is the only Innovator par Perfection, not just excellence. He pioneers a new move in history as well as in our lives. He can make a way where no road or path exist. He can rivers to flow in deserts. He can do both the difficult and the impossible. While it is happening, we may not even perceive it. All the same, it is happening the moment we repose our faith in His word, His promise, His command, His precept, His servants, His example. It begins in eternity and hence, it transcends our time zones and our zone of perception. We need the patience of Jesus to wait with expectation like Simeon waited on the promise of the Messiah as the process of renewal, of newness, of transformation from famine to abundance, from desert to garden, from forest to civilization happens.

The Lord does new things in us, with us and for us. The new things “ in us” is the proliferation of the fruit of the Spirit or the character of God in us. This is His top pleasure and it should be our top priority in our lives. The kingdom of God is as large as our hearts and He focusses all night, all day on our hearts. Nothing is secret or hidden from Him. He reads what is written in our hearts. It either pleases or pains Him. If we pray earnestly, He will send the Holy Spirit to furnish our hearts, the residence of the Lord with love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. We need to desire the fruit of the Spirit much more than we seek the demonstrable gifts of the Spirit.
He does new things with us. This is about the purpose for which we are created and for which we exist. He will do new things that will enable us to fulfill His purpose. Fulfilling His purpose is true wealth, happiness and prosperity. He also does new things for us- the benefits and blessings we so sorely need. With new things being done by the Lord in us, for us and with us, we are enabled, equipped to be the new creation He has called us to be in Christ. He gives us the double anointing or spiritual enablement by His grace or power. We, in turn, do new things in Christ, with Christ and for Christ. We are constantly and continually restored and renewed to the image of Christ.

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