Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Comfort Zone to Challenge Zone

UV 3454/10000 Comfort Zone to Challenge Zone

Now ( in Haran), the Lord had said to Abram, “Go away from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you.
Genesis 12 v 1

The Servant Leader often calls people out of their comfort zones in order to bless them, to bring out the greatness of God in them. Abram was called out of Haran, his home, his kith and kin to travel to where the Lord led him. The serpent leader misguides and misleads while the Servant Leader guides, leads, protects. As a result, Abram’s name, his family, his progeny, his destiny, his finances were all blessed. Abram became Abraham, the father of faith and the father of many nations. Three world religions originate in Abraham. He is revered in many nations. He who was childless became a father. Through his faith, all families and nations of the earth are blessed. Those who bless him and Israel are blessed and those who curse him are cursed. The serpent leader inspired many in the world with anti-semitic hatred, leading to the rise of a cruel and monstrous leader like Hitler and many of his followers.

Abraham and Israel, the nation that was drawn from his loins are central to the destiny of humanity and indeed, of the earth. Israel as a political entity ceased to exist for nearly two thousand years and was re-formed in 1948 after the World War II as prophesied. Israel is a great nation. For one thing, Israel has the maximum number of Nobel Prize winners for such a small population. The greatest human acknowledged universally, Jesus Christ was born out of Israel and in Israel. Today, the Servant Leader blesses and heals us of our barrenness, our purposelessness, our powerlessness and hopelessness. What eye has not seen, nor ear heard nor entered in our imagation of our hearts and minds, the Lord causes to happen in our lives. He moves us out of our comfort zones into our challenge zones where we are transformed. We only need to be sure that like Abraham that God who called us to do so also moves with us. Abraham acknowledged the leadership of God, the presence and benefits he received from Him by building altars to worship and sacrifice to Him out of what He had provided for him on his journey.

When famine forced Abraham to seek refuge in Pharaoh’s Egypt, the Lord preserved the life of Abraham and Sarai, his wife. Abraham fearful of his wife being coveted for her beauty lied that she was his sister but the Lord visited Pharaoh and his household with plagues causing the latter to release her from his harem. These plagues are a foreshadow of the ten plagues on Egypt that caused a later Pharaoh to release the descendants of Abraham now multiplied to millions from the bondage of slavery in response to the call of Moses. When there is a call on our lives by the Servant Leader, it is to bless us, to liberate others while when the serpent leader comes calling, it is to curse, to drive into bondage.

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