Saturday, March 20, 2021

Living Stones

UV 3682/10000 Living Stones You (believers) like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house for a holy and dedicated priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices (that are)acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ. I Peter 2 v 5 Peter ,moved by the Holy Spirit as he wrote, moves from the image of the tenderness of a new born baby to the contrasting metaphor of the believer of Jesus being a living stone. The only thing the new born baby does on his own is to drink milk. The only thing new born believers have to do is to drink or to think the word of God. That will enable us to mature over time and grow in terms of our salvation into “living stones” in the spiritual house or Tabernacle of God. Our lives, then are not about us achieving our ambitions but to be prepared, built up for God to live in us. We should become a suitable habitation for the Lord. We should be part of a living edifice where spiritual sacrifices and worship is offered unto Him. We can be living stones only in conjunction or contact with the precious Cornerstone of Jesus. While the world rejected Jesus, we have been chosen or given the grace to accept Him as the cornerstone of our lives. By virtue of this, we have become a royal priesthood, a chosen race, a consecrated nation, a special people and possession of the Lord to declare the praises of Him who called us out of awful darkness into His awesome light. The Word (Jesus) like a good sculptor chisels away at our angularities and deformities, our rough edges and makes us smooth and right to fit into our groove in His living temple, the church. We begin as ordinary stones in the hands of the Lord but He works on us using the word as a chisel and the Holy Spirit as a skillful designer. He transforms us into precious living stones that fit perfectly into His design. Even our erstwhile fault line and cracks emerge as patterns in His beautiful design. As living stones, we do not remain static but are ever growing to fulfill the will and plan of the Master Builder. We are not stand alone stones but have life and light only in connection with the Cornerstone.

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