Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Perfect Love

UV 3759/10000 Perfect Love THERE is NO fear in love (dread does not exist). But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves (the expectation of divine) punishment, so the one who is afraid ( of God’s judgement) is not perfected in love ( has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love. I John 4 v 18 Love completes us while fear divides our minds and spirits. Love itself can be incomplete, immature, not perfected. Full grown, mature or “ perfect love” is described by St Paul in the epistle to the Coirinthians. Jesus and the gift of Jesus by God, our Father in heaven to mankind is synonymous with perfect love. Jesus drives out fear from our hearts, the fear of punishment by God, the Father. We who trust in Jesus do not fear the judgement of God for we have passed from eternal death or separation to eternal life or union with God in Christ. The agape love of God is perfect love with all the attitudes and attributes of Jesus, the ones described by St Paul. We are saved in Kairos time or eternal time measured by the clock of God. Having been saved from judgement for sin and eternal death, we now have a responsibility and duty to work for our perfection in love. We need to grow to the very stature of Christ in terms of His love. Every thought, action, word, nerve is to be directed in that direction of growing in the agape, selfless love of Christ in real time. We are to grow in chronos time or as measured by the clock of man. Every day we need to reflect the love of God to everyone we are brought in contact with. No fear should be able to enter our hearts or minds as we understand and experience the love of God in real time. We need to express God’s love as phile or as love of our fellow humans. People are the image of God that we can see. If we cannot love the image of God that we can see, how can we love God whom we cannot see. If we hate a fellow believer, we are lying about our love. Jesus as He personified perfect love asked us to even love our enemies. If we abide in love, we abide in God for God is love.

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