Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Caterpillar Effect

UV 4177/10000 The Caterpillar Effect Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; If there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things ( center your mind on them and plant them in your heart). Philippians 4 v 8 As believers, we must be like caterpillars constantly feeding on whatever is good, noble, true, pure and wholesome. We become what we think. Hence, continually we need to meditate on the truly beautiful, the truly wonderful, the truly great. There is only one Person who fits such a description- Jesus. We need to focus continually on the person, work and word of Jesus, the parables He narrated, the precepts He taught, the miracles He did. The more we focus on Him, the more we will become like Him. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith and hence, He will supply what is needed or lacking in our faith. The caterpillar effect means that the more we observe the word of God, absorb it and apply it, the more and faster we are transformed into a better version of ourselves, more in conformity with the image of God and of Christ. The Holy Spirit uses specific word to chisel and sculpt us into that image. Like a caterpillar, we need to be ever hungry but not foolish but wise enough to apply what we read, meditate on, pray over. Like a caterpillar rolls over, becomes inert and enters a chrysalis phase, every day we need to be silent in the presence of the Lord. Then, the Lord will enable us to rise on wings of faith to excel. Whatever we have learned, received, heard, seen in our faith, seen in Christ, seen in our mentors and forefathers of faith, we need to practice these things in daily life. Then, it becomes God’s business to ensure our peace and well being. Like a caterpillar gets transformed into virtually another creature, we will become a new being formed in the image of God, the image of Christ. The new creation experience does not happen overnight for a believer but it is a lifelong process in which the Holy Spirit is an active participant, the word of God is an active ingredient, our minds are active instruments. It is not an empty and vain mindfulness that psychological experts ask people to practice these days. Just as God is mindful of us, we are mindful of Him. Our minds should be saturated with good thoughts, the thoughts of God, filled like a sponge with water. Any pressure the world exerts on us, the water of life should ooze forth.

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