Friday, January 14, 2022

Focus on the Lord

UV 4296/10000 Focus on the Locus-the Lord and Giver of Life Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything of praise, think continually on these things, ( center you mind on them, and implant them in your heart). Philippians 4 v 8 What or who is true, honourable, right, confirmed by God’s word, pure, wholesome, lovely, brings peace, admirable, of good repute, excellent, praiseworthy? When I look around, I find no one or no one thing reflects all these qualities except God and Christ. Therefore, the apostle Paul is asking us to think continually or continually focus on God. He is the locus of all creation. The Creator and Redeemer occupies central point or locus in our lives. Everything we think, speak and do reflects and relates back to Him. The extent to which we think about Him, we too will experience truth, justice, honour, purity, wholesomeness, love, peace, excellence and become worthy of praise, admiration. The amazing thing is that Paul is asking us not to meditate on God in our quiet times but all the time. Elsewhere, Paul says, ( in Thessalonians), “ Pray without ceasing.” When our minds are stayed or focused on God, His Son Jesus, our peace is established. Our purpose is fulfilled. Our eternity is guaranteed. When we think, meditate on God, pray to Him continually, it implies that we will thank and praise Him, also continually. God becomes our grand obsession, our only legitimate obsession for anything else that distracts detracts from His greatness, His glory. This is the reason, God declares Himself to be a jealous God. When God encompasses us, He becomes our compass. We find our direction, our light, our strength, our success in Him. But, are we capable of continually thinking, meditating, praying, praising God, distracted as we are by the world and its attractions and burdens, the longings of our own senses and urges? The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We need the power of God to overcome the weaknesses of our flesh. The Lord knowing this, sent us, gifted us the Holy Spirit, the Breath or Ruah of God. He mingles with our every thought, every word, every breath, every moment, every effort and so enables us to focus on the Locus- the Lord and Giver of Life.

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