Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Signet Ring

UV 4295/10000 The Signet Ring “On that day,” declares the Lord Almighty, “I will take you, my servant Zerubabbel son of Shealtiel,” declares the Lord, “ And I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty. Haggai 2 v 23 When we lower our hearts before God as servants, He raises us like kings before man. On the day, we first humbled ourselves before God and believed that He is the One and only One who existed before all creation and caused all creation and further, He sent His Son Jesus to redeem mankind, we are taken by God Almighty. No one else can take us thereafter. He declares us as spiritual descendants of David to reign and rule like kings over the spiritual realms. We are like the signet ring of Almighty God. We are the final seal of approval, the symbol of ultimate authority over all powers on earth and all powers of darkness. No king has power to flatten a mountain but we have authority to flatten the mountains, to alter the landscape of human lives, to live with purpose, power and meaning. A signet ring is valuable- therefore, we are valuable. It is irreplaceable. We have the authority to issue decrees and declarations in the name of Jesus. A decree with the king’s seal is carried out even in the far reaches of a realm. It has power as long as it is not recalled or cancelled. Hence, the decrees we issue cannot be revoked unless we do so. A signet ring has the logo or court of arms of the owner so that it leaves an impression on that to which it is stamped or affixed. Hence, we are to leave an impression of the Almighty in all we think, speak, do or relate to. The Lord makes us or prepares us to be His symbol of authority and power. He uses His word to fashion us in His image. He uses our life experiences and encounters to shape us. A signet ring is strong and durable and hence, we are to be strong and enduring by His grace. We are symbols and emblems of God on earth. By carrying out His will in our lives and through our lives, we become His signet rings. We are signet rings with a difference, however. For we are not only symbols of God’s power and sovereignty but we are also to reflect His love and grace for though we do not deserve to serve Him as His representatives on earth, as His emblem of authority, He has chosen us in His love while we were yet, disobedient and sinful. Hence, we need to blend authority with love, humility and gentleness in the same manner as Jesus, our Saviour first and also, Lord and King. We are to always be mindful of our sinful past and stay guarded against falling into sin again and to be always grateful to the Lord for choosing us for salvation and to adorn His finger as a signet ring.

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