Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Level Five Life and Level Five Leadership

UV 1471/10,000 Level Five Life and Level Five Leadership
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Romans 15 v 13
This uni-verse is a beautiful benediction that Paul pronounces on the believers in Rome. It is also a promise for our lives for us to hold onto. Our hope has its basis. Hope without a solid basis is an illusion, a make believe. But our hope overflows not on account of who we are or on account of our own abilities but because of the character of God. We trust in the character of God that He cannot lie, that He is capable of doing all He has promised. We therefore trust in His Word and His promises. He fills us with joy and peace as we continue to hold on to our faith in Him.

The role of the Holy Spirit is to inspire faith in us. He convicts us that Jesus is our Saviour in our time of trouble. He who gave Himself wholly to redeem our souls for eternity- will He not redeem us in our temporary troubles in this world? He who walked on water and multiplied bread and fish to satisfy the hungry- will He not come to our help and satisfy our need? The Holy Spirit brings these things to our minds and thereby, it is His power that causes us to overflow with hope. Our cups, meaning our lives, are neither half full nor half empty but overflow with hope, love and joy. Jesus drank the full cup of suffering to give us this cup of hope, love and joy everlasting. The cup that He held in His hands was the cup of our sin and suffering. The cup we now hold in our hands is the cup of love, joy and hope symbolised in the bread and wine of the Communion we partake in faith.

God does not want us to despair but to be filled with hope and to give us a future and eternity filled with love and joy. While we wait for our hope to be fulfilled, He gives us by the grace of the Holy Spirit the patience and the comfort to hold on and not to give up. He fans our faith to the flame of full assurance. Like the battery and signal strength on mobile phones, our faith, love and hope should be maintained at a band level strength of five. This will enable us to live a level five life and provide level five leadership. When we believe, we receive. When we receive, we give. When we give, we rejoice. When we serve, we lead. When we lead, we live fully.

Prateep V Philip


  1. Wish we (I) get back my life and reach this level that I had been working for... may the dreams come true for good.. the seen and the unseen and all the good ones...
