Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Using Alpha Power to Be Calm

UV2946/10000 Using Alpha Power to Be Calm
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee
Isaiah 26 v 3

When our minds are focused on the focal point of history, the focal point of our personal history- Jesus, He will keep us in perfect peace. He will give us the peace that passes human reasoning, comprehension and apprehension. He can give us peace or the strength to stay calm even in the midst of a fierce storm. As long as we pay the TOLL, we can cross the bridge to eternity, to eternal peace here and now. TOLL meaning trust, obey, learn from and above all, love Him who first loved us and demonstrated His love by dying for us on the cross. He demonstrated His power by rising again from the highly secured grave, the only instance of a grave being guarded like a jail. We therefore have the confidence that nothing is impossible for Him. Whatever be our situation, He can use His Alpha power or the power of His word to change it in our favour. Whatever be the outcome, He changes it for our good.

His peace does not rise and fall like the ocean or wax and wane like the moon but keeps increasing or growing in us as we grow in our knowledge and understanding of His love and of His word. We learn to trust Him more and more. He will never disappoint or fail us. His presence in the boat in the midst of the fierce storm in the Sea of Galilee was enough to guarantee that nothing untoward would happen to the panicking disciples. He said, “ Peace, be still” and even nature obeyed its Creator. He was not violating the laws of science or physics but the natural laws themselves obey Him. Since we know the end result of our efforts, our lives, our deeds, we need not be anxious for anything. We have learnt the secret of being calm.

Peace, it is written is a great power derived from the mastery of self. Nay, it is a great power derived from His mastery of our selves. We submit our entire being, our alpha to omega to Him, our thoughts, our fears, our hopes, our desires, our plans, our work, our relationships, our problems, constraints, challenges, difficulties, weaknesses to Him and His grace is sufficient to fill the gaps and perfect it all. Our intellects, our emotions, our imagination, our wills are focused on the Author and Finisher, the Initiator, Sustainer and Perfecter of our lives. We obtain the wisdom, His strength, His encouragement, His guidance, His protection, His help at all times and especially, in times of trouble, crisis and challenge.

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