Monday, August 31, 2020
Internalise, Personalise, Synthesise
UV 3608/10000. Internalise, Personalise, Synthesise
And the Lord said, “If you have (confident, abiding) faith in God (even as small) as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree (which has very strong roots), “ Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea; and (if the request was in agreement with the will of God) it would have obeyed you.
Luke 17 v 6
There are important principles of victorious faith and living hidden in this uni-verse spoken by the Lord Jesus Himself to His apostles. This was His response to their request to increase their faith or their trust and confidence in God and in His power. Jesus was underlining for them and for all followers for all time to come the principle that with God, a much smaller entity can shake or uproot a much larger power or entity. Faith can bestow amazing power, meaning and purpose to our communication. For this to happen, the faith should not be manifestly very large but it should be a living faith like a seed that has life in it to cause a whole plant to sprout. Much larger things can emerge from a seed of living, holistic faith. Faith of this kind can give God-like power to our own speech. What we speak in faith will happen. God will lend or invest His power or grace in it. The other day in a time of prayer, we saw a vision of a creeper like a money plant flourishing on a large tree and rising over it. The tree like the mulberry tree dried up but the creeper continued to grow and flourish with very large and luxuriantly green leaves. It is a sign that the world systems like the large tree are meant to support living faith but the world systems would dry up like the tree. A mulberry tree once uprooted and cast into the sea cannot take root again. It perishes in the sea as it is lashed by the waves of time and tide.
For faith to be effective, powerful, life giving, life enhancing, evil uprooting, world shaking, there are some principles and precepts to follow steadfastly . We need to internalize the teachings or the word of the Lord (Jesus is described by John as the Word). We need to believe and obey His commands, His directions, His instructions, His leading in all matters in our lives. Along with internalizing, we need to personalize the promises of God as if every word of the promise is addressed by the Lord to each of us. We need to trust that it will come to pass in His time and that God is able to do all things, the difficult as well as the impossible in accordance with what He has promised in His word.
Speaking in faith is the equivalent of doing for God partners with us when we speak in faith. In addition to internalising and personalising, we need to on occasions as directed by the Holy Spirit speak the word to our situations, circumstances even as Moses spoke to the rock to release water to quench the thirst of the Israelites in the desert. IPS – Internalise, Personalise, Speak can on occasions be Internalise, Personalise, Synthesise which means we can derive holistic principles of living from the Word. We can derive concepts and precepts of life, leadership, management from our study of the Word. Our faith can manifest in distinctive ways in the reality of our lives. Synthesise has the nuance of making whole. Hence, when we internalise the Word ( Jesus or the Word of God),personalise the promises, we synthesise or make whole the areas of our lives that are not victorious, not effective, not purposeful, not powerful, not whole, the areas which are barren.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Grace in Our Hour of Need
UV 3607/10000. Grace in Hour of Need
Therefore let us (with privilege) approach the throne of grace ( that is, the throne of God;s gracious favour), with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy (for our failures) and find (His amazing ) grace to help in time of need ( an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment.
Hebrews 4 v 16
Since Christ became a human and was faced with similar situations, temptations, trials like all of us, we can draw confidence and courage to approach Him now that He is our High Priest and Advocate on high in heaven at the right hand of the Father’s throne. Though He was tempted, He did not yield to it, though He faced much hardship, He did not complain. Rather, He overcame both sin and death with first, his death on the cross as a ransom or payment to free all people and second, by His resurrection since death could not hold an absolutely righteous person as prisoner. He understands and empathises with our difficulties, weaknesses, suffering in this lifetime. This gives us boldness and confidence to approach Him at will whenever and wherever we need His help, His comfort, His strength.
Jesus overcame sin and temptations. Hence, we too can overcome. He endured extreme suffering. Hence, we too can endure suffering to the limit of our capacity which varies from person to person depending on his or her faith and patience. The Lord will give us grace to both overcome sin and temptations and to endure suffering. We receive forgiveness for our falling to temptation or sin, over and over again. But Jesus expects us to sin less though we cannot be sinless or perfect like Him. We are to strive relying on His grace to do our best to avoid, to overcome temptations.
Jesus pleads on our behalf before the court of God, the Father as a compassionate Advocate on record. The enemy, satan appears as the accuser or public prosecutor to have us punished for our shortcomings. But the Lord washes us clean, makes us spotless in the eyes of the Father. We can appropriate the specific or needed blessing or promise or grace at the appropriate moment or the hour of our need. He rushes to our help. He also sends the Holy Spirit and the angels to our help in our time of need.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Removal of Barrenness
UV 3605/10000 The Removal of Barrenness
This is how the Lord has dealt with me in the days when He looked with favour on me, to take away my disgrace among men.
Luke 1 v 25
Elizabeth secluded herself for five months, much like the way virtually the whole world has been in lockdown since the past five months due to the covid 19 pandemic. Elizabeth’s pregnancy advanced during these months and she kept praising the Lord with the words of the above uni-verse. Her barrenness till then was the source of her disgrace. Like other Hebrew women who were barren, she was looked down upon by her family and friends due to this. But the Lord has taken away her barrenness and her disgrace at one shot with the child she had conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord had heard the petitions of her husband, the old priest Zacharias. History was about to be made for the chlld in the womb would be hailed by the greatest to be ever born as human, Jesus as the greatest among all men born. John, the cousin of Jesus was to be His forerunner, the herald to the Messiah.
When the Lord looks upon us with favour, He removes the barrenness of our lives in different areas of our lives. We, like Zacharias and Elizabeth, his wife need to be prayerful and faithful till it happens. We need to wait upon our miracle, the answer of favour from the Lord. We should bear our disgrace or our problems patiently till the Lord turns His face to look upon us with favour. It might not happen instantly. It might happen after a very long while when it might seem difficult or impossible to happen even as the couple had aged and the possibility of having an offspring diminished with every passing year. Zacharias, instead of rejoicing on hearing the angel who identified Himself as the archangel Gabriel, was troubled, worried, fearful and doubtful. As a consequence of his doubting and questioning the will of God, he was visited with temporary muteness till the child promised was born.
The Lord will not let the faithful be disgraced or ashamed before men. He will lift us up in due time. What eye has not seen, nor ear heard nor imagined by any of us will happen when the Lord looks on us with favour. Our fervor for God does determine the favour of God. But the Lord in His sovereign will decides how He answers our need, heals us of barrenness in the areas of such barrenness in our lives. It will make us joyful and delighted and many will rejoice over it even as they rejoiced over the birth of the prophet of wildnerness, John, the Baptist. We need to seclude ourselves and wait for the appointed hour of the birth of the blessing in our lives, without being troubled, worried, fearful or doubtful. The Lord can and does do the impossible to lift up His children.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
UV 3604/10000 Vindication
Behold, I will wave my hand over them and they shall become plunder for their own slaves. Then you shall know ( recognize, understand fully} that the Lord of hosts has sent Me.
Zechariah 2 v 9
When anyone touches us, they touch the apple of the Lord’s eye. The pupil referred to as the apple of the eye is the most vulnerable and sensitive part of the human body. It is not a part to be touched even by the person concerned for it will hurt him, blind him temporarily. The apple of the eye is also a reference as a figure of speech to the persons dearest to one. The Lord regards His faithful as the apple of His eye. He promises to be a wall of fire around us and the glory in our midst. The ones who unjustly attack or even aim to assault us will become like plunder to the very people who serve them. The Lord will do this in order to make them understand, recognize that the Lord of the army of heaven, with thousands upon thousands of chariots of fire and awesome being and angels of power, has sent Jesus, His Son to redeem the world and those who belong to Him.
The Lord promises to merely shake His hand over them and these consequences of their unjust actions will follow. He is fierce in protecting His own as a lioness protects her cubs, as a mother eagle protects her eaglets. They who attack only in one direction or in one matter will be forced to flee in all directions, scripture says seven as seven implies completeness or the complete and total rout of the forces opposing us. The Lord allows such opposition to rise in His foreknowledge in order to reveal His love, His power, His grace, His justice. The context in which this uni-verse was first written by the prophet Zachariah was that the nation of Israel was dispersed to the four corners of the globe like the winds do to the dust. The Jews were persecuted unjustly for holding onto their faith by powerful kingdoms. The Lord promised to bring them back as a nation and reveal His glory.
The Lord just has to shake His hand for powerful opponents and foes to be defeated, dispersed, overcome, overthrown. While He is at this, He establishes His faithful children whatever be the circumstances surrounding them. He has done this over and over again in world history, biblical history as well as personal history. We only need to be patient and wait for His hand to appear and shake over the disruptors, the obscurantists and others ranged against His children,His servants, His people.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Victory and Miraculous Rescue
UV 3603/10000. Crushing Victory, Miraculous Rescue
For by You, I can crush a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.
Psalm 18 v29
Our God concept or idea of who God really is determines the extent of our inner strength and power. When we understand that His power as El Shaddai or the Almighty One is unlimited, we feel we are enabled, empowered by His grace. No group of humans including an armed troop can overcome the power of God. When people meet together and conspire against us, we can be sure that the Lord will fight for us. Our weapons are not carnal but spiritual. They will attack us in one direction but they will be scattered in seven. We can by means of His help impose a crushing defeat of these forces of darkness. David who wrote this Psalm actually had to fight troops of his enemies and he was able by grace to defeat or rout these forces. He knew with confidence that the same God who had enabled him to defeat the giants Goliath will help him defeat his rival or hostile neighbouring kingdoms. Likewise, we will enjoy crushing victory against our adversary and his forces of darkness. He will flee even as light causes darkness to disappear instantly. Even if the battle is long drawn, the Lord assures us He is with us and as long as our hands are help up in praise, we will have victory. He assures us miraculous rescue and certain escape. Faith enables us to overcome impossible odds. Two believers acting and affirming or agreeing in faith can put an entire battalion or a thousand strong force to flight in confusion.
The Lord will bolster our courage and stamina to face resistance and opposition. The metaphor used in the Psalms as well as in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is one of warfare. The Lord is like a mighty fortress around us. He will defend us against our enemies in every direction. In the middle of our battles, we have a remarkable sense of confidence and security. We should not get rattled with temporary setbacks or reverses but reinforce our faith in Jesus. God confused Absalom’s servant Ahiboleth so that the former could not give him correct advice. We do not fight under the leadership of a fallible human general or fight with man-made weapons but under the leadership of Jesus with God-given weapons of prayer, the word of God and the Spirit of God.
The Lord will remove obstructions or obstacles in our path. He will enable us to leap over any barrier. The Lord will keep us from stumbling or making mistakes by His wise counsel. He sends His angels to help us overcome and keep the enemy at bay. We don’t; even have to fight for we only need to stand still in peace and faith and take a righteous stand against evil or that which confronts us. He is Jehovah Nisi, the One who brings His children, His servants victory. Right through our struggles, the joy or what delights the Lord is the source of our strength. The Word, Jesus, the Holy Spirit are the diurnal and eternal source of our strength.
The Role of the Word in this World
UV 3602/10000. The Role of the Word in this World
For the word of God is living and active and full of power (making it operative, energizing, and effective). It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit ( the completeness of a person), and of both joints and marrow ( the deepest parts of our nature), exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4 v 12
If we live by the word, the Word lives in us. The word of God is relevant, appropriate, effective and powerful in changing or transforming hearts, minds and lives. It is a life-giving and life-enhancing weapon like no other. It cuts not the flesh and bone but cuts deep into the soul and spirit of man. It can reach where no other weapon can. It discerns and judges our inner motives and secrets of our hearts that no man knows of. It lights up the darkest recesses of our hearts. It is double edged so that it cuts into the soul of both the speaker and the hearer, both the spirit and the mind.
The word is like a mirror in which we can see both God and the reflection of our own souls or our inner images. It exposes our hidden and unknown thoughts and desires. It separates the dead parts from the living, the darkness from the light. It has power to enlighten our minds, heal our inner wounds and free our spirit. When we obey the Word, we enter the rest of the Lord. We enjoy the grace of the Lord or His undeserved mercy and favour. Though we have disobeyed the Father, He will celebrate our coming home with His love and joy. As the Psalmist David wrote, “ He will satisfy us with marrow and fatness. “
We hear the voice of God through the Word. Our hearts are moistened and softened by the hearing of the word. The word softens our hearts formerly hardened with sin and disbelief so that the good seed can take root, grow and multiply in the inner fruit of the spirit. The Word is action-oriented and it makes us take effective actions to set right our relationships not just with the Father but with our brothers and sisters on earth. When we believe and obey the Word, we are entering His promised land, the land of the living, leaving the land of the dead behind us.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Ultimate Excellence
UV 3602/10000 The Ultimate Excellence
Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant.
I Corinthians 13 v 4
St Paul describes love as the ultimate excellence. The characteristics of love described in this uni-verse and indeed, in this unique and beautiful chapter written by St Paul are the description of the character of the agape love of God and of His Son Jesus. The love of Jesus for us endures through all of our lives and all of history. He is patient with our faults and imperfections and covers it with His grace and mercy so that the Father does not see any flaw in us. He is kind and thoughtful and knows our most intimate or deepest need and provides for it.
The love of Jesus is not possessive or insecure. He gives us freedom to choose and to act in our lives. He is humble and gentle. St Paul describes the character of Jesus when he writes that love is not rude, not selfish, not easily provoked or easily angered or overly sensitive. He blots out our transgressions with the cancellation implied in our confession or acceptance of His sacrifice of His blood for our sake. He does not keep a record of our wrongs and blunders. He is steadfast in His support of us in difficult situations or crises of our lives. We only need to lean on Him as John leant on Him at the last supper. He never fails us nor does His love ebb or vary from day to day. His love completes and perfects us.
We see in part our errors in the mirror of scripture and Jesus gives us grace or power and wisdom to overcome it. He is forgiving and harbours no bitterness in His heart against us. We need to emulate the flesh and blood model that God gave us of love in His
Son Jesus. We should not take pride in our spiritual gifts or talents or ability. We ought not to brag about anything but in all things give glory to God, appropriating His grace and basking in His love. Jesus holds two banners over us that the enemy can see- the banner of love and the banner of victory.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The Faith of Daniel
UV 3601/10000. The Faith of Daniel
Now when Daniel knew that the document was signed, he went into his house ( now in his roof chamber his windows were open towards Jerusalem); he continued to get down on his knees three times a day, praying and giving thanks before His God, as he had been doing previously.
Daniel 6 v 10
The King Darius had just signed an edict to throw into the lions’ den anyone found praying to any god or man other than the king. Daniel showed tremendous courage to go to his house and pray with his windows open towards Jerusalem. It was obvious he was praying to Jehovah. Further, he continued to pray as was his habit thrice a day, praying and giving thanks before His God as he had been doing previously. Daniel knew that his rivals had plotted to get the king to issue the edict in order to trap him. They were envious of his elevation as the chief administrator over 120 other officials and higher than two other commissioners. They were looking for a way to find fault with him. Since he was a man of high moral character and integrity, they knew the only way was to find fault with his faith.
Daniel was anointed with an extraordinary spirit from his youth, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit imparted the spirit of excellence to him. Hence, he excelled and did better than any other administrator. The other administrators lobbied with the king to pass the edict that anyone found praying to any other god or man would be thrown in the lion’s den. Daniel knew about the edict being signed but he was not deterred and trusted God to deal with the threat to his life. The law of the Medes and Persians also made any order like this signed by him could not be revoked or altered.
Daniel’s courage rested on the hope and trust that God is not one who takes pleasure in such wickedness. He would not suffer the deceitful. He hates all who do evil. He deals effectively with those who conspire against the righteous. Daniel knew that those who conspired against him had destructive hearts, their throat were open sepulchers and that they would fall by their own designs and counsels. Daniel remained calm and confident. He continued his lifestyle of prayer and reverence to God. He knew the edict ws signed and irrevocable but he also knew that the Lord blesses the righteous and surrounds him with favour as with a shield. God’s favour, not man’s, is our shield of faith. The Lord in response to Daniel’s faithful prayer sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that not a hair on his head or cell in his body was touched or harmed. The tables were turned completely. The men who maliciously accused Daniel perished in the lion’s den.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Boldness, Persistence and Confidence
UV 3600/10000. Boldness, Persistence and Confidence
I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything just because he is your friend, yet because of his persistence and boldness he will get up and give him whatever he needs.
Luke 11 v 8
Faith in the friend produced boldness and persistence in the one who asked for the three loaves of bread. He was not asking for his own need but for the need of a friend who was visiting him. The need was desperate as there was no food to serve in the house. Likewise, we need to persist in asking for our needs from the Lord. He is not the One to say He is sleeping and does not want to be disturbed for the God of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is One who rewards boldness and persistence in asking of Him. Jesus Himself demonstrated this quality of recognizing and rewarding persistence of the woman who had the issue of bleeding and the blind leper Bartimaeus.
Our needs may be physical in terms of our health needs or monetary or material, emotional for healing, for forgiveness, for getting rid of bitterness or depression over a particular issue. It can be relational for instance, loneliness, strife, anger. It can be a need in relation with a career goal or professional challenge. It can be the need of others whom we know. It can be a spiritual need like asking for the gift of the Holy Spirit or gifting by the Holy Spirit. Whatever be the need, we need to believe that God is able to answer it or meet that need. We need to persist and ask with boldness and confidence that if it is the will of the Father, He will grant it.
If it is a thing we are asking the Lord for, we need to keep asking. If it is a goal we want to accomplish, we need to keep on knocking on heaven’s doors for help, for wisdom, for resources, for grace, for success in that venture. If it is a particular quality of the Spirit or fruit of the Spirit like love, joy, peace or patience, we should keep seeking it. In sum, we got to be at it to beat it, to get it, to receive it. The advantage of such persistence and boldness being rewarded in due time or God’s time is that our faith expands and becomes stronger with each prayer answered, each goal achieved, each blessing received, each seed bearing fruit. Zerubbabel was a man of such persistence and boldness and hence, the mountains or huge challenges became flat as plain land before him. Jesus Himself demonstrated such persistence or determination as scripture says that He set His face like flint or with great unswerving determination towards His greatest cjhallenge- the cross of Calvary.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Victory Comes From the Lord
UV 3599/10000. Victory Comes From the Lord
No weapon that is formed against you will succeed: And every tongue that rises against you in judgement you will condemn. This (peace, righteousness, security and triumph over opposition) is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from Me,”
says the Lord.
Isaiah 54 v 17
The uni-verse assures us of blanket protection from all weapons- physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, relational, professional – aimed against us. Even as the weapon is being forged or formed, the Lord will neutralize its power or ability to harm us. The human tongue itself being a powerful weapon is included in this arsenal that is to be nullified. We can in faith nullify every word spoken against us unjustly, untruly, uncharitably. We can judge and sentence any negative word spoken against us. We can anul curses and threats. We should not be intimidated by any of these weapons or be fearful of the harm it can cause us. The stone that they plan to roll against us will roll back on them.
Instead, our inheritance, our rights as children of God is to enjoy peace, the fruits of righteous living, the absolute sense of security that comes from our confidence in the Lord and this promise in His word. It is our just wages as servants of God. The words we speak in faith can counter any of these forces or threats effectively. The enemy will keep stirring up some force against us but we should use our authority to bind, cast down such elements. Scripture promises that the battle is the Lord’s, the defensive weapons are also the Lord’s. We should bind the truth of His word tightly around us to hold the whole armour of God in place with no element loose or out of place.
Our vindication is from the Lord and not in the forces and powers of this world. We should not therefore trust in our physical prowess, weapons, strength, abilities, connections or wisdom. We do not trust in horses or chariots but our victory is truly in the Lord. Even as the Egyptian army pursuing the Israelite slaves as they crossed the Red Sea were routed using the very water that was parted to give way to Moses and Israel to pass through, the Lord will do great wonders on our behalf. Sometimes, He allows and uses these circumstances and opportunities to manifest His power and glory.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Access Code
UV 3598/10000. Access Code
Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 124
The uni-verse declares that our sole confidence is in the name of the Lord. For He is the Maker of heaven and earth and as such, knows what we need, has all the resources of heaven and of earth to help us in our current challenge. The Psalm speaks of the challenge of human adversaries rising against us. It also speaks of natural disasters like a flood or torrent though the torrent and raging waters are also a metaphor for overwhelming problems we confront. It also speaks of spiritual attacks or challenges. Our reliance is not on our own limited wisdom or strength. It is not on our friends or associates or network.
When we pray in the name of the Lord, we become His responsibility to protect and prevent us from being a prey to the hunter. We are as vulnerable as a bird that a fowler, or one who hunts and traps birds, is aiming to capture. The Lord will enable us to escape from such traps. The Lord will enables us to break the snares of the enemy of our souls. Sometimes, He raises other humans to help us. Sometimes, He sends angels to our rescue but at all times His eye is upon us as we rely on Him.
The Lord will help us with the infinite resources of heaven and the abundant resources of earth. There is no limit to the ways in which He can help us. In fact, the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is with us as a great Helper. He is also a Counsellor and Comforter. He helps us discern what we should say or do in particular crisis situations. Jesus is the name that connects us with God in heaven, the Father and God on earth, the Holy Spirit. We are given permission to use His name to summon angels to our help. We can pray in His name asking for our every need. We can command powerful forces in His name. We can claim the promises of God in His name. The promises are the key to access the heavenly as well as earthly resources. We can claim and command healing and deliverance in His name. The name of Jesus is like a password, a bridge, a touchstone of our lives. We need to set our love upon His name. His name is most honoured in both heaven and on earth. Whatever we ask in His name, the Father hears and grants according to His will. Unlike our other access codes, it is not secret but is open to all to use.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Drawing the Living Water with Joy
UV 3597/10000. Drawing The Living Water with Joy
She said to Him, “ Sir, You have nothing to draw with ( no bucket and rope) and the well Is deep. Where thine do You get that living water?”
John 4 v 11
Jesus spoke about the “Good Samaritan” man but spoke to a Samaritan woman at a well in Samaritan town called Sychar. The Samaritan is a metaphor or term to describe the most unlikely person, in the parable, to render help to a man waylaid by robbers. Likewise, the woman was the most unlikely person to be a messenger of the good news that God had sent the Messiah Jesus to give eternal life through the eternal word or the water of the hope of eternal life. Scripture exhorts us to draw water from the well of the Word of God with joy. Jesus did not need a bucket or rope to draw the water of eternal life for He Himself is that well.
The word is described as living water as the word is enough to meet all our deepest needs in our lives. Our deepest need for forgiveness is met in it and met in Jesus. Our deepest need for strength, grace and wisdom is met in the word. Our deepest need for eternal life is met in the word. The Samaritans were social outcasts as far as Jews were concerned. The Samaritan woman in question was an outcast among outcasts for she was both much married (five times- a record besting that of Elizabeth Taylor) and then living with another man. Jesus revealed her past and then, revealed His true identity as the Christ, the One anointed to be Messiah of both Jews and Gentiles including Samaritans. The woman moved in her inner faith from thinking He was a prophet to wondering if He was the Messiah. She carried the news that He might be the Messiah sent by God since He had knowledge about both her entire past and her present, too. The Samaritans of the town were intrigued and came to Jesus as she told them about what had transpired but they believed Jesus as they heard Him directly. Likewise, people to this day believe Jesus to be the source of eternal life not because someone told them but they heard directly from the Lord and are convicted.
Jesus taught and enabled a deep thing to the Samaritan woman to replace shallow and superficial traditional faith or religion. He enabled her to perceive that despite her sinful past and present, she like all others could worship God in spirit and truth, once they place their trust in Jesus. We, too need to worship God in spirit and in the truth or the beauty of holiness- a steely resolve to listen to the indwelling Holy Spirit and live from improvement to improvement in the actual facts of our lives. The Samaritan woman probably had to leave the man who was then living with her or marry him to be able to live in truth. We cannot be sinless like Jesus but we can certainly sin less with the help of the word of eternal life and the enablement of the Holy Spirit. We need to live the fantastic truths of heaven in the midst of the horrible facts and miserable reality of this world.
Monday, August 10, 2020
The Symbolism of the Three Tents
UV 3596/10000 The Symbolism of the Three Tents
Peter responded and said to Jesus, “Rabbi (Master), it is good for us to be here; let us make three (sacred) tents -one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
Mark 9 v 5
The three tents in the uni-verse are metaphors for living in and with grace through abiding in the tent or tabernacle of Christ, living under the law which is the tent of Moses and living in the tabernacle of signs and wonders, the tent of Elijah. It is good for us to live in the tabernacle of Jesus, the house of love. When we habitually and continually live in the tabernacle of Jesus, we experience His joy, the joy of the Bridegroom. We are to regard Jesus as our sole Master and Teacher and spend time in His company. Now that we do not see Jesus physically as Peter and the disciples beheld Him, we have the help of the Holy Spirit to sense His presence in and with us. When our lives are transformed from within by the Spirit of God, our lives would be transfigured like Jesus.
We need to mature in our faith so that we are no longer legalistic and judgemental or living in the tent of Moses. Neither should we be temperamental or moody, living and giving in to emotions of fear or anger like the tent of Elijah. In Christ, we do not just have the double anointing of Elisha, the successor to Elijah but we have the triple anointing of Jesus, the anointing of purification of the sinner (leper), the spiritual power of a king like Melchizedek and the spiritual power and enablement of a prophet like Elijah. We should be different from the rest of the world for we spend time every day with Jesus. His word washes us and strengthens us from within.
We ought to be consistent and stable like our Master, Jesus not temperamental or moody like Peter. We should not deny the Master or give in to flashes of anger like Moses or be in fear of worldly powers like Elijah when he fled from the evil queen Jezebel. The grace that Jesus gives us is not dependent on external conditions. It gives us access to the inner power- the Shekinah power of God Almighty.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Big Brother Attitude
UV 3595/10000 Big Brother Attitude
But the elder brother became angry and deeply resentful and was not willing to go in; and his father came out and began pleading with him.
Luke 15 v 28
The story of the prodigal son often leaves out the focus on the story of the elder son. The father in the story represents the Father in heaven that Jesus was introducing to the world. The elder brother instead of joining the father in welcoming back a long lost son and brother, a member of their family is angry and resentful. He was not even willing to join the welcoming party hosted by the father on the happy occasion. The elder brother represents those who think they are always on the right side of God, who do their religious and moral duties and obligations.
The Father in heaven is standing at the door of heaven ready to welcome back those who repent like the prodigal son, return to Him and turn from their wayward ways. He rejoices over the repentance and returning of every lost sinner, however evil or wayward they were as long as they turn from evil, from stubborn disobedience of His word. He rejects the self righteous who believe they have a right to be in heaven by virtue of their apparent moral or righteous lives. We have, therefore, to get rid of the ‘big brother’ attitude and always depend on the love and grace of the Father in Christ. Jesus is the One pleading with the Father to let us in. He is the One who chooses us and not we ourselves.
The elder son was envious and resentful of the way the son whom he thought unworthy of the father’s love was received. He reminded the father that he had never celebrated his coming home on any occasion like this. He had not allowed him to take of the flock a young goat to celebrate his righteous and obedient life with his friends with a party at home. He held this grudge against the father in his heart. We, too often think of people who in our view are unworthy of being blessed but are greatly blessed. We envy those who are more talented or more popular or more prosperous than us. Such envy, scripture warns us, is the root of bitterness that choke the good seed of His word and makes our lives unfruitful, our character bereft of the sweet fruit of the Spirit of God. The two stories or the story within a story drives home the truth that It is better to have erred and repented than to be self righteous, proud and resentful.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Suffering and Its Remedy
UV 3594/10000 Suffering and Its Remedy
For just as Christ’s sufferings are ours in abundance as they overflow to His followers, so also our comfort ( our reassurance, our encouragement, our consolation), is abundant through Christ ( it is truly more than enough to endure what we must).
2 Corinthians 1 v 5
This uni-verse states that just as our sufferings in Christ are many and great, our comfort and encouragement to endure these are also matching the suffering. We need to live in the overflow of God’s grace. Our comfort is proportionate or enough to help us overcome or endure our suffering. The Lord will provide a way out. He redeems us in our suffering. Hence, we should not be overwhelmed by suffering or be discouraged. We are to take the comfort and encouragement we receive and pass it on to others who endure similar troubles and distress.
If Christ suffered, we too will suffer like Him. But the Lord does not leave us alone or orphaned as we endure suffering. He is closest to us when we are most troubled. We drink from the cup of suffering but also from the cup of comfort and joy. He gives us victory and the power to bear such suffering without complaining or without being discouraged. The suffering is intended to test our strength, increase it and make us resilient. Hence, James wrote that we should welcome it with pure joy. Suffering purifies or sanctifies our character and our faith. Suffering is like a fiery trial and we are not alone when we go through it. The Lord is with us, comforting, blessing, guiding, leading us through the ordeal.
The degree of comfort and encouragement we get from the Lord and His word is unlimited or abundant. Hence, whatever is our need, we can depend on the Lord for He will defend us in any circumstance. We should not wilt or give up but like pure gold we should give up the dross or impurities in our character. We should not give in to worry or anxiety but continually rejoice in the Lord, delight in His word. Like Noah and his family took refuge in the Ark during the great flood, we should hide in the ark of faith in Christ. Like Noah and his family emerged unscathed and victorious we too will emerge from it stronger, purer, more faithful and joyful.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Decisions and the Spoken Word
UV 3593/10000. Decisions and the Spoken Word
You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and the light of God’s favour will shine upon your ways.
Job 22 v 28
When we decide a thing in our hearts, we must also proclaim or decree it at least to ourselves. The power of the spoken word or decree is the means by which God created the entire universe. We may not be able to create anything but we can impact creation by the power of decision and decree. The uni-verse rightly puts things in perspective. Whatever we decide and decree can prosper only if God’s grace or favour is upon it. When we acknowledge the Lord in all our ways with prayer, thanksgiving and worship, His favour will shine like the noonday sun upon us and prosper us in our ways even as plants synthesise food and generate oxygen in the warmth and light provided by the sun.
If like Job and other biblical characters right through the ages, we fear and honour God, His grace will accompany our decisions and words so that these are neither ineffectual or unproductive. We are to confide our decisions only in the Lord and seek His blessings, guidance and help at all times. Under the new covenant, we can consult actively the Holy Spirit who imparts wisdom to us and understanding so that we do not depart from the ways of God. His power working in us Is able to do, according to St Paul in his letter to the Ephesian church, much more than we can think, imagine or ask.
In this manner, the Lord will establish us in our lives and our ways. We will be obedient sheep who do not stray like the wild goats in all directions. Our decisions will take us only on the paths the Lord indicates to us. Our spoken words or decrees will proclaim our faith and our reliance on God’s grace at all times. The power of thought that is behind human decision making, the power of the spoken word and the power of God are aligned and we work in harmony with the Lord and not like everyone else who is worldly, at cross purposes with God.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
The Well Being of Our Neighbour
UV 3592/10000. The Well Being of Our Neighbour
Let each one of us make it a practice to please his neighbor for his good, to build him up spiritually.
Romans 15 v 2
We are to try habitually to work for the good of others and not only our own good. Thereby, we please or win the favour and goodwill of others. We are also obeying the command of Jesus to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. This practice will bless us and make us a blessing. Most people are one way channels for blessings to flow towards them and them alone but we are to be two way channels of blessing. Jesus Himself did not please Himself but He pleased the Father in heaven in all that He said and did. In fact, those who displeased the Father also mocked Him and crucified Him.
We need to understand that we play a dual role in the kingdom of God for we are not only meant to be the living stones with which the temple of God is built but we are co-builders with Jesus. We need to plan like master builders and secure the best materials to build others up as living stones in the tabernacle of God. The builders of this world rejected Jesus for they looked for qualities or characteristics that were extrinsic and external not qualities that are internal and eternal. The glam quotient or the personal attraction of Jesus was kept deliberately low so that people were not drawn to Him for reasons of physical prowess or charisma.
We, therefore, need to ask ourselves constantly what is the need of others around us. We are to be sensitive and responsive to their needs and try to meet it as much as it lies in our capacity or resources to do so. We are not be parasites but benefactors working always for the good of others. We should not seek to harm them in any way, in thought, word or deed. When we do this we please our Father in heaven for we are being genuinely our brother or sister’s keeper. We provide help to the helpless, strength to the weak, comfort to the distressed. That which lies in our hands to do, we can do and for the rest, we are eager to pray for the unmet but critical needs of others. In meeting that need, we sow the seed of God’s unlimited love in their hearts. For building implies making a connection with people for the sake of the kingdom of God.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Spiritual Wisdom
UV 3591/10000. Spiritual Wisdom
Whoever is spiritually wise, let him understand these things; whoever is spiritually discerning and understanding, let him know them. For the ways of the Lord are right, and the righteous will walk in them, but transgressors will stumble and fall in them.
Hosea 14 v 9
Spiritual wisdom, understanding and discernment is quite distinct in its origin, its nature and its impact from worldly wisdom and understanding. Spiritual wisdom enables us to discern and know the ways of God, to understand scripture and apply it continually in all aspects of our lives. King Solomon, in this sense, was not bestowed with spiritual wisdom but with worldly wisdom for he wanted only to know how to govern or administer the affairs of men. If he had spiritual wisdom, he would not have departed from the ways of God, influenced by his many wives. Solomon, consequently did many experiments with untruth and found these to be vain and futile in the end.
The kind of wisdom, understanding and discernment that we, as followers of Jesus should seek is spiritual, the kind that James wrote, “ Ask for wisdom and He will give it generously.” This is the reason that Jesus said, “ Even the lilies of the valley are clothed more gloriously than Solomon in all his wealth and glory.” Solomon’s wealth and glory faded with time and perished but the wisdom that the Lord gives us does not fade or perish. The words of our lips should help to preserve lives for eternity. We discern the will of God and hasten to do it. Even if we stumble or fall into sin or error, the Lord will enable us to recover and return to His ways.
The spiritually wise are content to walk step by step in the ways of the Lord. They do not seek to know the distant future but focus on doing God’s will here and now. They know their priorities in life and do not depart from the principles and precepts they learn from scripture or the word. They are not easily distracted by the pleasures or treasures of this world but treasure the will and word of God over everything else. They focus on practicing whatever they learnt at the feet of Jesus. Their emotions are not easily swayed by circumstances or adverse happenings for they place their trust and security in the Lord.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Oneness with God
UV 3590/10000 Oneness with God
Not height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the unlimited love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8 v 39
Since we live, move and exist in the unlimited love of God manifested in Christ, nothing can harm us, affect us adversely. Neither elevation nor descent into depths can separate us from the love of God. Death cannot separate us from Christ. Neither circumstances nor adversaries, earthly beings or spiritual beings can create a distance between the committed believer and the Lord. We can gaze on Him with unveiled eyes, the beauty of His character, the greatness of His wisdom, the awesomeness of His power, the infinite dimensions of His love. The treasures of this world cannot distract us. The powers of this world cannot threaten us. No virus or invisible foe can separate us from our new life in Christ.
We are branches fused with the True Vine, Christ. Every part of us is connected with Him. The parts that are not fused or connected with Him alone will die and fall off. His resurrection power flows in us by faith. The Spirit of God dwells in us and causes the fruit of the Spirit to grow and overflow in our hearts and souls. Our wills, emotions, our minds are aligned with the will of God revealed in Christ. We cannot be sidetracked or thrown off His ways. Our past is crucified with Him, our sins are crucified with Him, our curses are crucified with Him, our diseases are crucified with Him. His love and grace enable us to live the new life of faith in Him.
Hence, we need not fear any adversary for the Lion of Judah is with us who has defeated and overcome the roaring lion of death and sin and disease. We need not be enthralled by the pleasures of this world or be enamoured of its seductions. Fusion with God has ended our confusion. It has made our lives purposeful, fruitful, blessed. Just as the centurion said, “Jesus just has to speak the word in our lives and it will be done”, whether it is our healing, our deliverance or our spiritual needs.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
The Peace-Praise Connection
UV 3589/10000. The Peace -Praise Connection
As I create the praise of his lips, Peace, peace, to him who is far away (both Jew and Gentile) and to him who is near! Say the Lord; “And I will heal him ( making his lips blossom anew with thankful praise).”
Isaiah 57 v 19
As we offer up fruitful words of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, He blesses us with peace. The wicked, those who do not acknowledge God, do not have peace and are like the restless, raging sea. Their lives and thoughts are muddy, unclear and mired in worries of this world. We, who believe Jesus, are in contrast like the rock in the middle of the sea, unmoved and not shaken by the tossing waves. The reason being the Lord is near to those whose minds are always focused on Him. He heals and delivers us of all our troubles. The Lord knows our ways and is pleased with us. Nothing is hidden from His sight. If there is a willful or unconscious sin in our lives, He, the Holy Spirit, makes us aware of it and shows us the way to overcome it with His grace. Even our setbacks become occasions and reasons for praising the Lord. No guilt of the past, no fear of the present, no anxiety regarding the future can affect us. The Lord has created three streams of praise in our lives- the things He accomplished for us in the past, the things He is doing now, the things He has promised to do in the future. Our hearts and minds should alternate between these three streams of praise.
While we were praying, the Lord revealed that the covid 19 virus had visited me as many as thrice but could not remain in me. He heals us with His word which is Rapid20 and beyond. We are not even aware a disease has come near us as the Lord is protecting and healing us simultaneously. We should, therefore, always arm ourselves with prayer, promises of the word of God, praise and thanksgiving, songs of deliverance. The enemy is the one who wants to afflict us and hence, we should use these spiritual weapons to ward him off and keep him at a distance. When God is near us, the enemy is far from us. He cannot touch a hair on our heads or a cell in our bodies.
We, who live by faith in Jesus, are fallible but not vulnerable. The incredible power of El Shaddai is at work in us. The heat of the spiritual fire burning in our hearts and minds is a deterrent to keep the invisible foes at bay. The blood of Jesus covers us and shields us from any internal attack while the word shields us from any external attack. We have many reasons to praise the Lord but there are no seasons or fluctuations in our faith. The Holy Spirit places new praises on our lips to offer unto the Lord.
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