Saturday, October 30, 2021

Attached Detachment to the World

UV 4263/10000 Attached Detachment to the World And those who use the world ( taking advantage of its opportunities), as though they did not make full use of it. For the outward form of this world ( its present social and material nature) is passing away. I Corinthians 7 v 31 Being in the world but not of the world is the new perspective believers develop after reposing faith in Jesus. We are to remain detached in our attachment to the world and what it has to offer, knowing that it is all temporary and perishable. The world and all in it are going to fade away but the Word will remain. Hence, we are not to be engrossed, obsessed or attached to the world. Even while engaging with the world and its opportunities, our priority is to be the kingdom of God, the will of God. In our workplace, for instance, we should show more commitment to excellence than others without being too worried about our prospects of promotion or career growth. Paul goes to the extent in the run up to this uni-verse to say that those who are married should live as they were not. In short, nothing and no one should take the place of the Lord in our hearts and lives. Yet, we are to redeem every opportunity to honour and glorify God.. It implies that we should avail of every resource, every opening to make known the name of the Lord and His plan of salvation for mankind. This attitude of the believer may best be described as attached detachment. This is what is encouraging me to refire, or to remain active on all fronts, in ministry, in social work, in training, in public speaking engagements in my second innings after thirty four years service in the Indian Police Service and 30 months as a bank officer preceding that. The second innings is not a time for rest but like in cricket, it is the more decisive innings, the innings that produces a result. We need to continue to pray, play, pay to the utmost level of our ability and resources without overly worrying about the result. It is a time not to fritter away opportunities but to leverage, maximize on it We need to recall on the basis of this uni-verse that everything else will not count in terms of eternity except what we speak, think and do on behalf of the Lord. Hence, our focus should be on the locus, the central point of our existence in this sin prone world- the Lord God. Our priority is the Lord and His work and word. In concrete terms, we need to double the time we spend in prayer, in the presence of the Lord, in the word and reduce our preoccupations with the world. It is not a life of renunciation or monastic seclusion that Paul is advocating but of pragmatic, balanced focus on the Lord by giving Him both first priority not just in terms of time but in terms of attention and commitment.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Friends of God

UV 4262/10000 Friends of God You whom I ( the Lord ) have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its remotest parts and said to you, “ You are my servant, I have chosen you and have not rejected you ( even though you are exiled. Isaiah 41 v 9 It is remarkable that Isaiah prophesying several hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ, states that we who belong to all nations even to the very ends of the earth, whether North, South, East or West are taken, called, chosen by the Lord. Only God can see so far ahead. The plan of making us Friends of God like Abraham on account of our faith in Jesus, our buckle, our link with Abraham and Israel was revealed in this uni-verse. By virtue of our faith in Jesus, righteousness is credited by grace not works to our spiritual accounts maintained by God’s auditing angels. By virtue of our faith, as it happened with the flaw-prone human, Abraham, it is deemed that we have conformed to the will of God. This is the good root of our salvation. The geographical remoteness is a metaphor for how distant we were from God before we accepted Christ into our hearts, our lives. Now, we are brought close to the very heart of God that He calls us His friends as also His servants. We are called to be His chosen ones. He has not rejected us and holds our hands to deliver us. Though our spiritual status once read “fallen”, we have now been exalted or lifted to be at the right hand of the Father and the Son. Now that we are His friends, we need to spend time fellowshipping with Him, chatting with Him, sharing our lives with Him. Now that we are His servants, too, we should serve Him, obey Him, adore Him, respect and revere Him. As friends, we love Him, we can be honest with Him. As servants, we fear and respect Him, we submit to His will in our lives. God has accepted us as we are. He did not say change a few things and then come to me. We are now His trusted confidantes as well as trusted servants. We must do nothing to betray His trust and live in such a way to honour our personal relationship with God. This is where good deeds, good words, good thoughts count not as root but as good fruit that is proof of concept, as it is said, or proof of us truly being His friends and servants. As Friends of God, we have many privileges like prayer, worship, guidance by the Holy Spirit, counsel. As servants of God, we have many duties and we need to be diligent about study of the word, witnessing with our lives, verbally and non verbally, serving other people who are the ‘spitting’ image or reflection of God whether they acknowledge it or not.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Spiritual Framework of Life

UV 4261/10000 The Spiritual Framework of Life By faith ( that is, with an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom and goodness of God) we understand that the worlds ( universe, ages) were framed and created ( formed, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. Hebrews 11 v 3 The physical world operates within a moral and spiritual framework set by the word of God. Hence, good management of the invisibles necessarily precedes good management of the visible. The best return on investment we can get by focusing on the invisible and the eternal that determines the shape and dimensions of the physical. Hence, issues like longevity, endurance, productivity, our holistic health are determined by the invisible principles and precepts embodied in the word. If we want a change in the physical realms, we need to start with the spiritual, the invisible realm ruled by God. God spoke the universe into being. Hence, the spoken word is powerful, effective, active and it impacts our lives in more ways than we can understand. The spoken word of God can be used to heal, to deliver, to save, to bless, to inspire, to encourage, to equip, to empower, to enable. The word enables us to find and achieve the purpose for which we are created. It releases the embedded power of God in us to pursue and attain that purpose in our lives. The frame work of the word will keep us getting side tracked by the enemy of our souls who makes his presence felt through his power, folly and evil. The enemy tries to frame us, blame us, shame us while the Lord delivers us through the framework of the word. The word is needed for leading a victorious and successful life in the most holistic usage of the terms success and victory. The word of God that we speak, share, teach, meditate on in full faith is the hook by which the Lord makes manifest His wisdom, power, goodness, love in our lives. Without the word and faith in it, our lives would be like drift wood on the ocean of life. We would be moving hither and thither without meaning, direction, purpose or power. The word spoken in faith is a spiritual trigger to release the unseen dimensions of the power, love and wisdom of God in our lives. The word acts as an anchor, a helm, a moral compass, the keel, the rudder, the sail and rail of our boat of life. It comes alive or becomes real in our day to day practical situations, in the crisis points, in the highs and lows of our lives. It provides the spurs to action as well as the brakes we apply to stop something negative or harmful to ourselves or others.

You are Special, Chosen, called, Blessed, Anointed, Empowered

UV 4260/10000 You are Special, Chosen, Called, Blessed, Anointed, Empowered But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a ( special) people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies ( the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections) of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light. I Peter 2 v 9 We are chosen out of the human race to be saved by grace, to live by faith, to experience the hope of eternal life in Christ. To the world that disbelieves Jesus is the stumbling stone that makes them fall, to us who believe He is the cornerstone of our lives. The cornerstone on whom we rise as a man who is called out by name by God, His Son Jesus to whom all power and authority is given and thereby, comes out of intense darkness, who rises from the oblivion of death like Lazarus from his cave grave. This makes us a special people, a signet ring on the finger of God to execute His will on earth as He does in heaven with angels. We are the very sceptre of authority of Jesus when we speak the word in faith to command healing, deliverance, breakthroughs for people who are lost and suffering. We are chosen to share in His suffering as well as in His inheritance as primus genitor, the first heir or son. We are chosen to live like Him and enter into His eternal kingdom. Having been chosen by God, we proclaim His praises, genuine praises that come not from shallow lips but from the heart as we have ourselves experienced His salvation in many and different ways even on earth, even in this lifetime. We are both kings and priests in His eyes. As kings, we lead the people from darkness into His light, we wage warfare, we administer, rule on His behalf as His viceroys on earth. As priests, we humble ourselves before Him to serve Him, to worship Him, to praise and thank Him, to counsel unto wisdom and share the fruit of our lips for the salvation of many. Hence, our leadership style combines both authority and power and humility and service. We lead like lions like Jesus and live and serve like lambs and sheep. We become masters of the metaphor and the paradox. We are drawn from all nations and races and yet become one race, one nation, one people under God, always striving to obey Him in the spirit and not the letter, in faith and not to appease to obtain divine favour. We are called out of the darkness to live in His marvellous light. We should no longer return to the darkness or follow the ways of darkness, the ways that we followed when we were not His followers. We submit and obey Him not out of an outward fear or respect but out of an inner reverence, awe, love and respect. We are consecrated like priests of old, set apart like soldiers from the civilian population, separated from darkness, separated from our own former selves. We burn our sinful bridges behind us to walk boldly confidently close to Jesus. He is our bridge to our inner self, our true self, our better self, to our future, our hope and eternity. We claim His promises, proclaim His goodness, His glory, His love to the people, yet unsaved, yet dwelling and revelling in darkness. We proclaim it not just with our words but with our thoughts, emotions, our actions and reactions. We are a peculiar people who live not according to the standards of this world but we conform to the standards of the one who called us.

Monday, October 25, 2021

You are Special, Chosen, Called, Blessed, Anointed, Authorised, Empowered

UV 4260/10000 You are Special, Chosen, Called, Blessed, Anointed, Empowered But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a ( special) people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies ( the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections) of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light. I Peter 2 v 9 We are chosen out of the human race to be saved by grace, to live by faith, to experience the hope of eternal life in Christ. To the world that disbelieves Jesus is the stumbling stone that makes them fall, to us who believe He is the cornerstone of our lives. The cornerstone on whom we rise as a man who is called out by name by God, His Son Jesus to whom all power and authority is given and thereby, comes out of intense darkness, who rises from the oblivion of death like Lazarus from his cave grave. This makes us a special people, a signet ring on the finger of God to execute His will on earth as He does in heaven with angels. We are the very sceptre of authority of Jesus when we speak the word in faith to command healing, deliverance, breakthroughs for people who are lost and suffering. We are chosen to share in His suffering as well as in His inheritance as primus genitor, the first heir or son. We are chosen to live like Him and enter into His eternal kingdom. Having been chosen by God, we proclaim His praises, genuine praises that come not from shallow lips but from the heart as we have ourselves experienced His salvation in many and different ways even on earth, even in this lifetime. We are both kings and priests in His eyes. As kings, we lead the people from darkness into His light, we wage warfare, we administer, rule on His behalf as His viceroys on earth. As priests, we humble ourselves before Him to serve Him, to worship Him, to praise and thank Him, to counsel unto wisdom and share the fruit of our lips for the salvation of many. Hence, our leadership style combines both authority and power and humility and service. We lead like lions like Jesus and live and serve like lambs and sheep. We become masters of the metaphor and the paradox. We are drawn from all nations and races and yet become one race, one nation, one people under God, always striving Him to obey Him in the spirit and not the letter, in faith and not to appease to obtain divine favour. We are called out of the darkness to live in His marvellous light. We should no longer return to the darkness or follow the ways of darkness, the ways that we followed when we were not His followers. We submit and obey Him not out of an outward fear or respect but out of an inner reverence, awe, love and respect. We are consecrated like priests of old, set apart like soldiers from the civilian population, separated from darkness, separated from our own former selves. We burn our sinful bridges behind us to walk boldly confidently close to Jesus. He is our bridge to our inner self, our true self, our better self, to our future, our hope and eternity. We claim His promises, proclaim His goodness, His glory, His love to the people, yet unsaved, yet dwelling and revelling in darkness. We proclaim it not just with our words but with our thoughts, emotions, our actions and reactions. We are a peculiar people who live not according to the standards of this world but we conform to the standards of the one who called us.

Sunday, October 24, 2021


UV 4259/10000 Realigion He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of your except to be just, and to love (and to diligently practice) kindness (compassion), and to walk humbly with your God (setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness)? Micah 6 v 8 This uni-verse sums up the essence of what I call REALIGION, not religion. God wants the crown of His creation, man and woman to do what is good, what is positive, what is beneficial, what is healthy, what is praiseworthy, what is worthy of emulation and appreciation. He has only three real requirements- we should be just or fair, impartial, true and we should love mercy, kindness, compassion for we ourselves are recipients in abundance of love, mercy, kindness, compassion from the Lord. Finally, He wants us to be humble. If we are humble, we will neither stumble, bumble or ramble. Our pride will not make us look foolish or make us take foolish decisions, ignoring the sane and sage advice of those who know better. Humility comes from the realization that each of us, even at our strongest, best, greatest times, is like a speck of dust before the Lord. Humility comes from the fact that better and greater persons than us have all bitten the dust. “ Dust we are and unto dust we shall return.” Without knowledge, acknowledgement, relationship with God, we have no personality in this lifetime, let alone eternity. We are not people on the dunghill of history but just dust. It is God who takes us from being dust to being the image of God, His reflection, His wonderful children. It is this kind of humility that produces fear or reverence for the sheer power, wisdom, grace, love, mercy of God towards us. That sense of reverence kickstarts us on the journey of pursuing wisdom, of being balanced and wise in our judgements, decisions, reactions and attitudes. Each of us is the sum of our attitudes- our heart attitudes, our mental attitudes, our emotions. We need to be mindful of our attitudes towards God and towards all of life. Once we are so mindful, the rest will fall in place. When we truly and really think we are the image of God, the enemy cannot seduce, tempt us into doing things that are contrary to that image. When we think that all people are created in the image of God, we will not consider ourselves better or more important than any other. We will also love to show mercy as the uni-verse says, to even those who have temporarily departed from being that image. We will neither be adulatory of ourselves or condemn others. We will think neither highly nor lowly of ourselves or others. We will instead focus our energy and attention to removing from our character those flaws, those aspects of our nature or character that detracts from the image of God. Walking humbly with God implies that with each thought we think, each emotion we feel, each decision we take, each word we speak, each action we do, we give Him the glory and the honour. Walking humbly also means we lean on Him and take His help for each step we take, every moment and day of our lives.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Tree of Faith and Its Fruit

UV 4258/10000 The Tree of Faith and Its Fruit A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Matthew 7 v 18 Just like a tree, a good man cannot have bad thoughts, use bad words, entertain negative emotions, cultivate bad habits and do bad things. Jesus also said, “No man is good, “ implying that no man consistently thought good, spoke good or did good things. We can, however, once we become followers of Jesus, emulate Him in our thoughts, words and deeds. The proportion of evil, the negative or bad needs to come down in the life and character of the believer. The spiritual fruit or the fruit of the Spirit do not come naturally but is produced supernaturally in us as we yield to the Holy Spirit. As we yield our thoughts to Him, as we meditate on His word, He turns the “bad tree” into a good tree. In this manner, Saul, the killer and persecutor of the followers of Jesus was transformed into Paul, the apostle. God is not only a name changer but a game changer. But even for believers, it is always a challenge to stay good, to avoid evil consistently. If we take our eyes off Jesus like Peter did on the stormy waters of the Sea of Galilee, we will sink. He is the One who completes or perfects our faith, our lives. We need to focus on Him from beginning to the end of our lives. We need to be aware that we need to produce fruit in keeping with repentance and salvation or thoughts, words and actions that are consistent with our faith and the word. Living intentionally and faithfully implies that we not only avoid bad thoughts, bad words, bad actions but replace it with good thoughts, good words and good actions. If there is a slip up or fall in any aspect, the Lord gives us time and opportunity to make up. We need not get trapped into a guilt trip by the enemy as it is not our thoughts, words and actions that make us good but the grace of the Lord in response to our faith in Him. Faith in Jesus is the “good root” that produces the good fruit in us. Even non believers, however, expect some change for the better once we profess to be followers of Jesus. The closer, more consistent and focused our walk with God, the more and better results or fruit will be manifested in our lives. The Holy Spirit will remind us constantly of our blind spots, weak areas, areas we need to change or improve. If we choose to ignore His whispers and promptings, it will become lower and lower such that we cease to hear it. If we truly need God, we need to heed His voice. We produce fruit just like trees not for our own consumption but to bless others. The more our lives are a blessing to others in terms of help, in terms of guidance, in terms of encouragement and inspiration, the more fruitful we are in the eyes of the Lord. Unlike a natural tree that produces only a specific fruit, a human produces a variety of fruit. In the book of Revelation, it is reflected in the metaphor of trees watered by the river of life that produce a different fruit for each month of the year.

The Refined Remnant

UV 4257/10000 The Refined Remnant The remnant of Israel will do no wrong nor speak lies, nor will have a deceitful tongue be found in their mouths; for they will eat and lie down with no one to make them tremble and feel afraid. Zephaniah 3 v 13 Believers are described as the “remnant”. The word remnant is like the final refined residue in a filtration process that removes the dregs and dross of the mix of life. The Lord refines us with fire and water experiences in our lives. Our character is what the Lord focusses on. We are to do no wrong, speak lies or say anything deceitful. We are to be humble and yet, confident and brave, gentle as sheep but bold as a lion. The Lord dwells in us, and among us. Hence, He is our source of strength and confidence. We are confident of victory in all our battles. We rejoice in the Lord again and again as He is the cause and source of our strength, power and triumph. We eat of the word as the Israelites ate the divinely provided manna. The word is more real and desirable to us than food for food cannot save us from disaster or from our earthly and spiritual foes and enemies. Having partaken of the food, we are full of courage and will not fear neither death nor the principalities and powers of darkness or any of their weapons. The remnant is the church or body of Christ. We are to be the blemishless bride of Christ. He is the head and the rest of the body is to do the bidding of the head. We cannot stray to the left or to the right. Righteous conversation is the sign of true conversion or transformation. Our speech needs to be disciplined and refined. Our actions need to be in alignment with our beliefs and principles embedded in the word. Since the Lord has taken away our guilt or judgements, we are free of fears of death, curses and punishment. Hence, we can be joyful in all circumstances, in the favourable and the less favourable or even adverse. Our hearts and minds should be positive in thoughts, emotions and motives or intentions. Taking every thought captive to Christ, something Paul advocated to the early believers, implies that we should subject all our thoughts and emotions to the control, direction, supervision of the Holy Spirit. Next to our thoughts, our tongues are the source of great evil, trouble and conflict. Only the mighty power of God, of the Holy Spirit can control the tongue and turn it from being a bitter and poisonous spring to a spring of pure and life giving, life enhancing water. This uni-verse was also a prophetic utterance about the character of the coming Messiah- it describe the character of Jesus, that He never uttered a deceitful word, spoke the truth, honestly without any flattery to please the hearers. He remained faithful and steadfast, never afraid of the consequences of speaking the truth, confronted false accusations, threats and eventually embraced death on the cross. He is the only One in history to overcome death. The remarkable thing is that after His resurrection, He did not remind anyone of their acts of betrayal or desertion of Him. He did not speak even of His own great suffering. He only exhorted them to share boldly about salvation, about eternal life and encouraged them to establish the church, the final remnant on the Rock, the cornerstone, faith in Jesus Christ as Risen Saviour.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Protosynthesis- Internalise, Personalise, Synthesise

UV 4256/10000 Protosynthesis – Internalise, Personalise, Synthesise The eye is the lamp of the body; so if your eye is clear ( spiritually perceptive), your whole body will be full of light ( benefitting from God’s precepts). Matthew 5 v 22 The eye referred to in this uni-verse is not the physical eye but the spiritual eye, the ability to clearly perceive, understand, apply spiritual truths hidden in the word of God. The word is light. Jesus is referred to as the light of the world. When our hearts and minds are able to believe and receive Jesus, then our bodies and minds are full of light. The darkness cannot comprehend it nor extinguish it, the darkness being a metaphor for the world. For many in this world, the darkness or dark knowledge, or knowledge sans God, sans the truths of God is their light. The absence of such spiritual light will cause them to stumble and fall, to be deceived by the powers of darkness of this world. We need to ensure that our soul’s eyes are full of light, the truth of God. Such spiritual light is far more beneficial to us than even physical light emitted by the sun. We will be able to perceive all things in the light of the truth, from a godly perspective. We will be able to consistently take the right decisions. If the soul’s eyes are full of light, it will not cause us or allow us to sin. Every part of us, spirit, mind and body will be blessed, empowered, equipped, illuminated with the wisdom of God. No part of us will be condemned or marred. We need to constantly bathe in the light of the Word, implying covering or clothing ourselves with the promises of salvation, provision, protection, promotion. This is what I call “protosynthesis” as compared with the photosynthesis of plants. Protosynthesis has three phases or stages: We need to internalize the light or word through memorization, meditation, reflection, personalize through claiming promises, obeying or applying commands, emulating positive models, rejecting negative models, synthesise or produce new ideas based on scriptural principles, the teachings of Jesus to benefit people and the church. Unlike photosynthesis that happens only when the sun shines or the day time, protosynthesis happens all day, all year round as the Daystar, the Son never sets.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Antidote for Worry are Worship, Work, Word

UV 4255/10000 The Antidote for Worry are Worship, Work, Word So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6 v 34 In this uni-verse, Jesus advices us not to worry. Worry will not add one hour to our lives while later medical research has proven that it, in fact, could shorten our lives. In place of worry, if we worship and thank God in every circumstance, be positive and joyful in every situation, hours, it would seem, have been added to our days, and days to our years and years to our lives. Each day has its own challenges. So our focus should be to give our best to the present moment without being distracted or sidetracked by worry about something likely to come up later and which may not even happen. Let us not spend time worrying about the uncertainties of the future, since we know the One who holds our future in His capable hands. We need to gladly accept where we are right now and then think of ways to improve on it over time. Living in the present moment is what Jesus advocates. Janus-like we should not keep looking over our shoulders into our past or stand on tiptoe to peep into the future with anxiety. Our faith in Christ who overcame every challenge humanity can face individually or collectively fills us with hope and hope fills us with joy. Worrying is not an option for believers and followers of Jesus who asked us to meditate on the flowers of the field for the Lord promises to clothe us much better than the flowers. He also asks us to think of the birds that do not sow or reap and yet have enough for its need. The promise is hidden in this word of Christ that even if we do not sow with tears and sweat, the Lord will reward the work of our hands. He blesses our labour far beyond just the wages that we deserve. When we make Jesus, the locus or center of our lives, He will not only give us what we sow by focusing on the day’s challenges, whether at work or home, but also add His generous bonus. The Lord is not asking us however to be complacent or indolent. He expects us to give our best to whatever we are doing, even go the extra mile. Worry demonstrates a lack of faith in the kindness, provision, generousity of the Lord. Worry achieves nothing and hence, instead we should think proactively and positively, aim to throw in all we got into facing any particular challenge we are confronting. The way God has organized time from sunrise to sunrise is that the future does not spring on us suddently but evolves day by day. Hence, moment by moment, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, if we end up doing our best, the Lord will take care of the rest in terms of the uncertain, the factors that are too big for us, the challenges and problems that are beyond human knowledge or control. Instead of worrying in any given situation, we can read, study, meditate on the word and the Lord will surely speak to us and give us a specific answer to that which we are prone ot worry over. To sum up, the antidote for worry are www or worship, word, work.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Revelling and Rejoicing in Weakness and Suffering

UV 4252/10000 Revelling and Rejoicing in Weakness and Suffering But He said to me, “ My grace is sufficient for you ( My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough- always available regardless of the situation); for (My) power is being perfected ( and is completed and shows itself most effectively ) in your weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ ( may completely enfold me and ) may dwell in me. 2 Corinthians 12 v 9 Sometimes, God weakens us to strengthen us, empties us to fill us, breaks us to make us whole. For when we are strong, we are tempted to think we do not need God and even think we are some kind of God. We develop pride and over confidence in ourselves and our strength. Paul was given what he called a painful thorn in the flesh, to torment and harass him, to keep him from exalting himself. He even called it a messenger of satan, allowed by God to humble him and make him dependent on the Lord. These offsetting circumstances and weaknesses the Lord allows so that we depend on Him in every situation. Paul had many unique revelations and experiences which could have make him think too highly of himself, being just flesh and blood. The Lord had to perforce send him reminders of his humanity, mortality and infirmity not to harm him, or to shame him but for his own good, that he would remain faithful and not lose his way or his salvation. Hence, Paul said that he would rather boast of his weaknesses than his strengths or accomplishments or his out of body experiences. When we are weak and dependent in some particular aspect on the grace of God, His power, mercy, guidance, protection and provision, the Lord gets an opening, an opportunity to work on our inner being, to set right our attitudes and keep us on the right track. The Lord uses the opportunity to show His love, to reveal Himself strong on our behalf, to manifest His power, wisdom, mercy towards us. Paul goes to the extent, in a version of Christian stoicism, to state that he revelled in his troubles, trials, insults, difficulties, distresses as it kept him on the straight and narrow and closer to the Lord, in alignment with his purpose and calling. We, too can emulate Paul and believe that when we are weak, we are strong in the Lord and therefore, as James says, rejoice in our suffering, be glad in our earthly trials, be patient in our troubles, confident that the Lord will show up on our behalf, strengthen us to endure, to bear it even if he does not take away the thorn that hurts us. Instead of resisting or resenting the troubles we face, we can let it shape our faith, our character, our body of work for the Lord. Such an attitude no doubt pleases the Lord who will quickly rush to our side, to comfort us through the Holy Spirit, to counsel us, to deliver us, to strengthen us. Instead of looking back nostalgically to the time when we did not face such an affliction, we should allow it to enable us to walk closer to the Lord, relying on His grace and mercy. It will enable us to be patient, mature, contented, resilient.

Monday, October 11, 2021

The Overflowing and Overtaking Anointing of Prophecy

UV 4251/10000. The Overflowing and Overtaking Anointing of Prophecy See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to uproot and break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant. Jeremiah 1 v 10 In this world, we are appointed to positions and roles according to our qualifications and experience. But the Lord calls, appoints us to roles and functions and then gives us the qualities or power to play that role followed by the experiences. The Lord had anointed Jeremiah even from the womb with an overtaking and overflowing prophetic anointing. That anointing gave him courage to speak truth to power. One of the chief functions and role of prophets during that age was to speak truth to power but today, the prophet is to speak the word of truth, word of knowledge, word of encouragement and edification to the average believer for the latter is anointed to be both king, priest and prophet. The Lord is the only one who can appoint us over the nations and over kingdoms for all other appointments are made in the nation under the seal of the highest office in that country. He appoints and anoints us, or prepares us to play our role and functions as king, priest, prophet to uproot and break down spiritual strongholds of darkness. He prepares us to be sharp edged threshing instruments to destroy and to overthrow such strongholds of evil in all nations, the sources of tyranny, corruption, division, conflicts, violence, aggrandizement and such evils. The role believers play is dual – to destroy as well as to build, to uproot evil as well as to plant the seeds of goodness and greatness. He has formed us from the womb and shapes us through all of life’s experiences, both great and small to fulfill His purpose in our lives. He has chosen us and consecrated us as His weapons and instruments to do His will. Since we have free wills, we can submit to the Lord’s purpose and plan or rebel against it. When we do the former, we are placed over the nations and kingdoms of this world. We are not subject to the erratic whims of the rulers of this world or the evil designs of the rulers of the powers of darkness. We are not like the blind being led by the blind but the Lord gives us the full and 360 degrees vision to see through the darkness, discern the will of God, to both uproot and plant, to destroy and build in accordance with the plan of the Lord. We do so not with weapons made by flesh and blood but with spiritual power and authority the Lord vests in us. It is this vesting or investing the Lord has done in us that is called the overflowing anointing, the overtaking anointing. It overflows in us and overtakes the enemy while he is yet plotting harm or evil.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Beautiful and Amazing Foundation of Our LIves

UV 4250/10000 The Beautiful and Amazing Foundation And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent (for that purpose)? Just as it is written and forever remains written, “ HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!” Romans 10 v 15 This morning as I walked to a nearby waterfall, the above rhema verse, uni-verse came to my soul. Paul, writing to the Romans, recalls this psalm. Then as I sat on a huge tree root under the beautiful waterfall that was soothingly massaging my feet, I recalled this verse and the Holy Spirit revealed that it was not our feet of flesh and blood that the Word is referring to but our godly foundations. The foundation of our wisdom is the fear of God and the foundation of our lives is the love of God and love for the Lord. All humans have feet of clay but it is our faith in the Lord Jesus that is the foundation of our lives that make it beautiful. All above is ugly but our faith foundations, our feet that enable us to stand, to walk, to work, to move, transforms our lives into something beautiful. It prepares us to hear, receive, share good news of good things, chiefly the agape love of God manifested in Christ. We are to diligently build on the beautiful foundation the Lord has laid in our lives. We are to build not with hay or materials that are easily destroyed but with what is good, true, wise, noble, useful, beneficial to others. Then, our lives will not resemble the beautiful statue interpreted by Daniel to symbolize all of human kind and all of human history that was destroyed even though everything above the feet was strong, beautiful, amazing as the weaknesses represented by the feet of clay gave way to the stumbling stone, the rock that was not cut with human hands- Jesus Christ. But to us who believe in Him and live in Him, live by His word, He is the beautiful, enduring foundation of our lives. On Him as the cornerstone, the foundation, we build the superstructure of our lives. Our rock foundation is dynamic, not static like the foundation of a building. It is like the roots of a tree planted by streams of water, like our feet ever moving. Both our coming and going, our staying and building are all blessed by it. It gives us strength to withstand the torrents of storms and the currents of moving streams. Unlike the feet of a human or the foundation of a building, our spiritual foundation being the most beautiful part of our anatomy, our lives, are not hidden like the roots of a tree but visible and ever manifest in a variety of ways in our lives.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Power At Our Right Hand

UV 4249/10000 Power at Our Right Hand For I the Lord your God keep hold of your right hand; ( I am the Lord),who says to you, “ Do not fear, I will help you.” Isaiah 41 v 14 The Lord God promises to hold our right hand. Our right hand is the hand that is used to feed- hence, the Lord will provide and feed us, nourish us, strengthen us spiritually and holistically. The right hand is also the fighting arm- He will help us fight our battles in every sphere and win. The right hand is also the hand that is used to write and to do most of the things that require only one hand to do. The Lord will enable us to share our testimonies for His glory, our edification. My right hand went literally near the vortex of the world’s first human bomb ( the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi) as it was swinging back while I was walking, leading him to the stage. Initially, my hand became a mass of flesh and broken bone in the blast. Yet the Lord, the I Am, preserved my right arm in tact and today, I write, type, can hold and use a firearm and do all that I was able to do before. I did not loose any finger or member of my hand. Scripture sometimes comes true literally as well as figuratively. The uni-verse also means that the Lord’s power is accessible and proximate to each of us as He loves us deeply and intimately. We need to recognize that He, the Lord God is sovereign, all powerful, all knowing, trustworthy, loving. Since such a One holds our right hand, we have no cause to fear the unknown, the factors that are beyond our knowledge and control or powerful enemies in the spiritual and physical realms. We need not fear being defeated or shamed. We need not fear failure nor death nor loss of any kind. He gives us the hope and the assurance that He will help us in every circumstance. He is our Redeemer and though we have, comparatively speaking, only the strength of a vulnerable worm that wriggles and crawls, He will make us new, sharp, powerful threshing instrument in His hand. We will be able to, figuratively speaking, thresh the mountains, the hills, the big and small problems, challenges, threats, issues of life such that these become small and insignificant as the chaff or dust of grain. The wind of time and change will carry away like dust the difficulties, challenges, threats we confront and combat in life with the help of the Lord. But, we will remain strong, confident, joyful in the presence of the Lord, full of hope of eternal life, giving glory and due honour to the Lord who enables us, empowers, equips us. Those who oppress, suppress, strive against us or are angry with us for no apparent reason will be as nothing, perish without trace. The lesson for humanity is that if we want to leave a trace in our lives, a happy legacy or memory, we need the grace of the Lord, our Redeemer.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Returning Leper

UV 4248/10000 The Returning Leper One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying and praising and honouring God with a loud voice; Luke 17 v 15 An amazing miracle took place- ten lepers were miraculously healed and made clean by the Word that is Jesus, the word of Jesus. They met Jesus as He entered a village and called out to Him from a distance as it was required of lepers to stay at a distance to prevent the leprosy spreading to others. They raised their voices crying out not for healing but for mercy. Jesus, the Merciful One through whom God had given mercy to all, had mercy on the ten lepers and told them to go and show themselves to the priests for they were to obtain a certificate of cleansing and healing as required by law. On the way, they were miraculously healed and made clean. But only one of them thought it fit to return to Jesus, rejoicing in his healing, glorifying, praising and honouring God with a loud voice. The other nine were silent. When they needed healing they cried out loudly, not ashamed of being noticed but when they received healing, they chose to be silent. Are we like the returning leper or the nine who remained silent, who didn’t turn back to thank Jesus, to glorify God, to honour Him for the cleansing we have received from God through the word of Christ, the salvation we have been blessed with, the blessings we have inherited as heirs of Christ? In my experience even as a secular speaker and writer, only one out of ten bother to come up and give feedback to the speaker or the writer whose word had blessed or encouraged, inspired or empowered him or her. Giving feedback is as significant to the messenger as to the one who has received the message. It encourages the former and further blesses the receiver. In more than one sense, we are like the ten lepers who have received healing from the Lord, blessed by His word, cleansed or sanctified by His teaching, made whole by His touch. Like the returning leper, we should not once but daily and regularly fall on our face before the Lord, worship, praise and thank Him for the mercy He has shown us. We have to set aside our self consciousness, our dignity to praise Him even with a loud voice. While we are yet on the way, the word of God works in us to cause a healing, a miracle in our lives. We are no longer spiritual lepers but spiritual leapers and reapers of miracles wrought by the spoken word of God. We need not call out to Him from a distance but approach Him as a child would run into the lap of his parent. Having received that which we needed, we need to keep returning to Him to honour, thank, praise and worship Him. Mindless of our status, position or dignity, sometimes we need to prostrate ourselves like the returning leper in the presence of the Lord, acknowledging every word He has spoken, every miracle, every blessing He has released into our lives.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Cleave and Do Not Leave God

UV 4246/10000 Cleave and Do Not Leave God But you who held tightly to the Lord your God are alive today, every one of you. Deuteronomy 4 v 4 The King James version uses the word “cleave” in lieu of “held tightly”. We should not leave God but cleave to Him in any situation and at all times, good and bad. Just as God is faithful to us, we need to prove that we are faithful to Him and we do so by cleaving to Him, His name, His presence, His word, His promises, His commands. The only other context the term ‘cleave’ is applied in scripture is to describe the marital relationship- the wife leaves her parental home and cleaves to her husband. That image reinforces the need for us to cleave to the Lord as a woman cleaves to her husband. We cannot cleave without leaving something behind even as the bride leaves her parents. Hence, we need to leave the world behind and cling to the Lord. The biblical context the above uni-verse is written is the travails of the Israelites during their travel through the wilderness of Egypt and adjoining lands till they reached the promised land, now called Israel. Those who strayed away from the God of Israel did not survive while every one of those who cleaved or remained faithful to the Lord lived on. The latter are the ones who proved God’s word to be true that He is near to them whenever they call on Him. He delivered them from battles, diseases, hunger, thirst, reptile and scorpion bites, attacks of nearby marauding tribes and so on. In the eighteen month global pandemic’s context, the above uni-verse remains true. As we cleaved or held on tightly to the Lord through this deadly pestilence that killed millions of people, the Lord God has preserved every one of us who are alive today. Every one of us is a survivor today who are living in this world. This testimony should be told to future generations who might not be aware of our experience. We should pay close attention and watch ourselves so closely that we do not forget the things we have experienced so far- the great deliverances the Lord has wrought in our lives. We should obey the laws of the Lord faithfully and not allow our faith to be adulterated or corrupted in the rest of our lives.