Tuesday, April 30, 2013


UV 739/10,000 Rootedness “Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2 v 7 People today are more interested in their dental health rather than their mental and spiritual health. A believer in Christ is rooted in Him as our teeth are rooted or fixed in the gums. We need to stick to Him as the gums stick to the teeth. As the teeth grow and become mature and strong, supplied by the blood and nutrition from the root, we should be strengthened in faith by reading, studying, memorizing, meditating and applying the Word of God in our lives. Just as our teeth bite into a variety of food substances from soft to very hard, we go through different experiences in our lives. The teeth play no role when we are drinking milk or liquids. Similarly, if we are always reading diluted stuff or only try to digest whatever we can easily understand, our teeth are not involved and with disuse and lack of exercise, they become weak and ineffective. We need to get our teeth into solid food, solid teachings that will strengthen our inner core. We must chew upon the wisdom the Word gives us in this world. We need to reflect on the text of God’s Word in the context of the world. Just as we have a variety of teeth, the Lord has given us a variety of intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional skills to give us victory in our varied life challenges. As we emerge victorious in each situation, we must use our tongues as a trumpet to proclaim God’s glory, power, grace and mercy. Our thought and speech patterns must reflect our gratitude or thankfulness. We should not gnash our teeth and complain about our lot. When we do so, we will tend to bite ourselves and cause a lot of unnecessary pain. Thankfulness is not just a flow but an overflow from the various events and experiences of God’s love, mercy and grace in our lives. Psychologists and human resource trainers describe life as flight and flow sequences but the Word describes life as an overflow. Thankfulness is an overflow from the cascade of faith. Just as the teeth guard our soft and vulnerable tongues and mouths like a solid wall, the Lord will surround us with an amazing but unseen wall of protection. Last evening, the Lord revealed “ I have kept each of you under my glorious rainbow. Yes, you go through a flood of troubles but the rainbow is a sure sign of my love-covenant, my banner of love and victory in your lives.” Just as we floss and brush our teeth regularly and with great care, we need to regularly remind ourselves of all that the Lord has taught us over the years. We need to have a daily and regular brush with Him. We need to keep our lives clean, pure and white even as we take care of our dental hygiene. Our negative attitudes, emotions, arguments, conflicts, gossip and back-biting are all like a lot of bad breath that affects our rootedness and our fruitfulness. To avoid bad breath and bad blood,remember and practice the key words and precepts in this uni-verse: rooted, built up, strengthened, taught, thankfulness.

1 comment:

  1. Amen..It's fantastic God's wisdom words
    Nehemiah Christie
