Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Cascade Effect

UV 713/10,000 The Cascade Effect “For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell” Colossians 1 v 19 Jesus Christ was born into an obscure family. He did not have the advantages of modern mass media or the services of a PR firm to become a global icon. Yet, He is the pre-eminent person in all of history. But, this uni-verse states that He represents the fullness of God. All the beauty, power, majesty, authority, holiness, love and mercy of God dwells and is manifested in and through Jesus. He is the firstborn of all creation. By Him or according to His master plan, all things visible and invisible in heaven and earth were created. They were created through Him and for Him. He pre-existed all things. He is the head of the church, the firstborn among the dead. He reconciled through the blood of His cross all things with God. This implies that He broke the power of original sin and restored the original nature of God in us. He broke the power of self-limitation or curse of the womb, of the earth, of our relationships and of the work of our hands. He is the repository of all wisdom and knowledge. All the icons, the living and the dead, of this world only flatter to deceive. The very word ‘ icon’ has a hidden inner meaning, “ I con”. In other words, I con self and others into believing I am great and worthy of admiration. But, look at the long list of fallen icons even from recent times- Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, the Beatles and so many others - they had been placed on pedestals only to fall in their own and others’ esteem. I believe that self-actualisation is a myth. The new age philosophy, that many modern writers like the author of the book, “ The Secret” advocates, is based on this myth that you can be a god unto yourself. My primary school teacher taught me that the biggest room in the world is the room for self improvement. Yes,we can improve in some aspects but there are limits to self improvement. But Jesus pleased the Father in all aspects of His life, wisdom, character, words, actions and lifestyle. In doing so, He did not just win the favour of God for Himself but He is presenting us holy, blameless and above reproach in the sight of God. Logically, the fullness of God dwells in Jesus and since Jesus dwells in us by virtue of His ‘choosing grace’ and our ‘trusting faith’, the fullness of God- meaning, the beauty, power, majesty, authority, holiness, wisdom, love and grace of God dwells in us. It dwells. This implies these attributes and power of God is hidden in us. Now, it for the day’s events and the rest of our lives to make it manifest even as it was manifested in Jesus. There is a saying that you cannot keep a good man down forever. It is much more true that you cannot keep the power of God hidden in us forever. Sooner or later, as we are filled there will be an overflow. We have a cascade in our home- it takes a couple of minutes for the hidden trough to fill up before the water falls like a cascade. It fills up little by little and then overflows. We too just need to imitate the cascade- fill up with the love, power and grace of Jesus and then, let it overflow. Prateep V Philip Listen to this Blessong:

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