Friday, October 18, 2019

How to Make Victory Certain

UV 3377/10000 How to Make Victory Certain
Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do everything in accordance with the entire law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you may prosper and be successful wherever you go.

Joshua 1 v 7

God’s prescription for human success is given in this uni-verse. Like Joshua we need to be strong and very courageous. Faith in God and His word gives us that kind of spiritual strength and courage. It gives us access to the infinite strength and power of God. That fills us with confidence and courage to face heavy odds, impossible challenges, deadly foes and forces. When we are faithful, we are assured of the presence of the God of Moses and Joshua. As He was with Moses and Joshua, He is with us today.

We as believers of Jesus do not subscribe to rightist or leftist ideology and their world views. We view the world through the prism of the Word of God. We constantly exercise an unflinching, unswerving and unshakeable faith in His word. We try to conform all our thoughts, words and actions to the patterns or models of the Word. In addition to strength and courage, we therefore have access to infinite wisdom and grace. We have moved from the paradigm of ‘hamartia’ or scarcity to ‘hyperbole’ or abundance. The Lord is our partner in all that we aspire and do. Hence, we cannot fail. We prosper and succeed in all that we do. Many laws were given through Moses for the Israelites to study, meditate and obey. But, under the new covenant, we only need to obey the two commands of Jesus- Love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as your self. Our wholehearted love for God is the meaning of the first command. While not thinking, saying or doing anything hurtful to others and rather, thinking, saying and doing things helpful to others is the meaning of the second command. When we obey these two commands the presence and the power of God is with us. The kingdom of God is in us and with us when we obey these two commands fully and continually. Victory is certain if we obey the two command given by Jesus.

Since we have overcome the fear of failure, every time we fall or make a mistake or fall short of our targets, we just get up, dust ourselves, learn from the temporary setback and go on to aim higher and do better. Joshua defeated 31 kings in his battles to take the promised land. The promised land was not given to him and the Israelites on a platter. They fought hard, they marched for long days, strategized, planned, prayed, thanked and worshipped God. We too, need to demonstrate due diligence, walk the extra mile, never failing to envision ultimate success. The victory the Lord gives us is a testimony of His faithfulness but whatever lies with us, we need to do.

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