Sunday, October 6, 2019

Pair Up with God to Prevent or Overcome Despair

UV 3366/10000 Pair up With God to Prevent Despair

I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Psalm 27 v 13

Faith is our safety net when we go in for a free fall in life. There seems to be nothing to hold us and prevent disaster from overtaking us. Just then the Lord intervenes and saves us. When we make a “ faith pair” with the Lord, we never have to despair. He is waiting in the wings to reveal one more act of His goodness and grace, one more miracle, one more rescue. He keeps us from the grave and keeps us from losing hope. The Lord knows that there is neither hope, enterprise nor appreciation of His greatness in the grave. Hope is the rope the Lord throws us when we have lost our footing on the edge of the cliff of life. It may come in the form of a prayer we whisper or a promise verse the Lord speaks into our lives at that juncture or even earlier. We get a fresh experience and insight into the goodness of the Lord.

Edge of life experiences are what gives us the knowledge of who God is and what He can do for us. Hence, there is a lot of excitement of new discovery and growth reserved for the believer. We can never anticipate what the Lord has in mind and what He is going to do in, with and for us. We however should not wait till we hit a crisis to look for the Lord. We like the five maids who kept their lamps well fuelled with oil, should fuel the flame of faith and build it over our lifetime. Even the word “fuel” has God in it for “El” in Hebrew means God. Faith is the oil in our lamps that He provides. It is incipient or present in some form in every human heart but the Lord Himself, the word says, hardens the hearts of the unbeliever and softens or prepares the heart of the believer. The “heart” the only word that can be formed from the word “Earth” is precious to God. It lies in His hands whether He wants to open ‘the eyes of the heart’ to give it a revelation of His goodness or not.

The Lord strengthens our hearts and give us courage when our own innate strength and courage are failing and flailing. This is when the world expects us to crash, He causes us to rise on wings like an eagle which has re-grown its feathers after having lost it for a time. Our worst fears evaporate. We sense a growing joy in our hearts and an understanding that our faith fathers or ancestors had – that His goodness is better than anything that life on Earth has to offer.

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