Monday, October 21, 2019

The Word and the World

UV 3378/10000 The Word and the World
So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void ( useless without result), without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

Isaiah 55 v 11

The Lord promises in this uni-verse that He is the guarantor of His word. Once He has spoken the word, it will not return without watering or softening the souls of the receiver, the believer. It will cause the spiritual seed of His truth and wisdom to be sown in us, cause it to take root in us, grow and bear fruit. It will accomplish the desire of the Lord in our lives. It is unfailing and infallible. If we cling to His spoken word, a word spoken to us through another, or what we had read, it will surely prosper in our lives.

The word reveals to us the thoughts and ways of God. If we discipline ourselves to honour these thoughts and ways in our lives, there is nothing in the world that can prevent it from fructifying in our lives. Our lives which were like thorn bushes that do not grow much, are stunted, barren of fruit and purpose, prickly and not useful to others, will be transformed like a cyprus tree that is known for its luxuriant growth and stature or like the myrtle tree which flourishes. Our lives will be a sign or testimony of His mercy and grace. Our lives will not be cut down by sin, death or disaster.

For these blessings to pursue us, we need to cling to the word of God even as we repulse the world and its pulls and pressures. We need to hang on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, eager to abide and obey it just as the parts of the human body obey the head. If the head says go to a particular place, we go. If it says to remain silent, we remain so. If it says to walk, we walk. Likewise, we need to align our thoughts, aspirations, behaviour and actions with the principles and precepts of the Word. The word will insulate us from the evils in this world even as it enables us to inherit and enjoy the bounties and blessings of this world.

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