Friday, February 5, 2021

It is I

UV 3728/10000. It is I But Jesus said to them, “ It is I ( I AM); do not be afraid.” John 6 v 20 Jesus gave only one reason for the disciples, terrified by a fierce storm in the Sea of Galilee, for them not to be afraid : “It is I.” Indeed, we, as frail human beings, are terrified of death, the great unknown but the Great I Am who has been there and overcome, is with us even in the valley of the shadow of death. His shadow, overpowers the shadow of death, and lights up our lives. It is impossible for us to face a storm without fear but all things are possible for Jesus. It is impossible for us to face a deadly pestilence like Covid without fear and trepidation but it is possible to do so if Jesus is in our “boat”. Our boat may be rocked hard and dangerously. The winds and waves of misfortune may be threatening our peace but we just need to ask Jesus to board our boat. The boat that was tossed about in the heavy storm was able to reach the shore where they were planning to land. Once Jesus is in our boat (our life, our hearts) we will be able to reach the intended destination. No storm can stop us. No force on earth can hinder us for He who is greater than any of these and all of these is with us, in us, for us. Jesus is the anchor of hope and the word of God is the chain that connects us to Him. No storm can drag us off course as long as we repose our trust in Him and are attached intimately to Him as an iron chain to the heavy anchor. The three hooks of an anchor are a metaphor for the Trinity. Through Jesus, we are connected to the Great I am, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The presence of God must not be intermittent but continuous with us for us to be safe and to feel safe. Everything else can be intermittent- prayer, fasting, working, resting, eating, exercising but the presence of God needs to be continuous. We need a twenty four hour connect and communion with the O-zone of His presence, His omnipotence that no storm or challenge can threaten or destabilize, His omnipresence that never leaves us nor forsakes us, His omniscience that surrounds us and cares for the tiny details of our lives. We need to hear His reassuring voice, “ It is I.”

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