Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Eagles of Heaven

UV 3732/10000. The Eagles of Heaven But those who wait for the Lord ( who expect, look for, and hope in Him) will gain new strength and renew their power; they will lift up their wings ( and rise up close to God ) like eagles (rising toward the sun); they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not grow tired. Isaiah 40 v 31 Faith is all about waiting with expectation, with hope, with thanksgiving. When we wait on God to fulfill His word or His promises to us, our strength and power are renewed to do thagt which lies with us to do in the fulfilment of those very same promises, to realize a life of hope, promise and which has a future in eternity. The wings mentioned in the uni-verse are a metaphor for prayer and the word of God. These are like the powerful wings of a large eagle for with these we can fly upto heaven, fly into heaven, into the very throne room of God, the Father. We will rise up in our character and new nature to the Sun of Righteousness, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Word of God, the Lord Amen, Adonai. Every morning for years, my hour of power spent at the feet of Jesus have been the source of power and upliftment for my entire day. The rock like foundation of each day that no events or circumstances of the day can shake. The Lord renews my mind during this hour of power, sends His resurrection power to flow from my heart into my veins. Believers are the eagles of heaven. We are forever floating like eagles in the upper reaches of heaven’s atmosphere. We go where eagles alone can dare to go, the mountain tops, the craggy rocks, the mountain fastnesses. Like old eagles retire to a lonely place to shed old feathers and replace them with new feathers, our times alone with God renews our feathers so that we can fly higher and higher. Like an eagle’s eye spots it prey from a great height and distance and in one fell swoop do a precision dive to capture it, the Lord renews our vision so that we do “precision dives” to fulfill God’s revealed purpose in our lives. While worldly people walk and run and go weary, we fly on account of our faith, on account of our mighty wings of prayer and the word. The Lord energises us, empowers us, equips us, anoints us, enables us and supplies us with an inexhaustible source of power. The eagle is not threatened by any other bird or predator and likewise, we are not intimidated or threatened by any other being, human or spiritual. It is God’s grace that powers our wings like the wind and cushions of air that support the eagle when it floats around. We leave the crutches the world gives us, the cages that confine us and are free to fly high. We do not fight our battles on the ground like the world does but shifts the theatre of warfare against the enemy, the wily serpent in the air, the realm of spiritual power.

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