Monday, February 15, 2021


UV 3742/10000 Inner Transformation Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36 v 26 This is an amazing promise of the Lord to give us a new heart of obedience and not one of stubbornness, one that feels the hurt of God when we sin or fall short of His standards. The uni-verse sums up the whole process of sanctification. He will give us a new spirit of discernment to distinguish right from wrong. The spirit of disobedience that inhabits us from birth is not the spirit that the Lord breathed into man when we were first created. The Lord restores the spirit and heart that He first created man with. He will replace our stony hearts, the hearts that are inured to sin. A stony heart is not sensitive, not grateful, not reverential to God, not faithful, not empathetic, not feel guilty despite doing wrong. He will save us from our uncleanness. He promises to call for new grain or new seeds of blessing on our lives, once our hearts and spirits are replaced. He promises also to put His Spirit within us who will cause us to walk in accordance with His word, His laws, His commandments and precepts. We will thereby receive power, guidance, grace to obey the Lord and His word. The fruit of the Spirit in our hearts and spirits will grow and multiply for the glory of the Lord, the sower and the harvester of souls. We will be able to tame the animal within us, the animal of lust, selfishness, pride and stubbornness. We will learn to be ruthless with ourselves and kind to others. We will always try to be gentle and humble like the Lord Jesus who never once lifted Himself up against the Father in thought, word or emotion though He Himself is God. The new spirit and new heart of the believer or follower of Jesus are led by the Spirit of God. When so led, we develop a loathing for our former selves and we repent truly in our hearts to turn away from our past. The transformation is so great that the word describes us as new creatures in Christ. The one time washing in the blood of Jesus justifies us. But we need to daily renew ourselves by washing in the word ( water in the realm of the spirit) to cleanse us of any muck, filth, unclean thoughts, motives, words, actions, attitudes that have affected our hearts and spirits due to our inevitable engagement with this world.

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