Friday, June 18, 2021

The Assurance of Longevity

UV 4162/10000 The Assurance of Longevity With a long life I will satisfy him and I will let him see My salvation. Psalm 91 v 16 The justified shall live by faith also means that the justified shall die by faith. If we confess in faith, profess with power and agree with the uni-verse and other concurrent promises of longevity strewn across scripture, longevity is assured. If we confess or declare the opposite too that will come to pass. Even non believers know of the power of self fulfilling prophecies, the power of the tongue to invite both life and death, health and sickness, good fortune and calamity, joy and sadness. As believers, we need to constantly recall the best, call the best into our lives and cull out the worst in our beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and reactions. Longevity is also a promise given along with the commandment to honour our parents ( Ephesians 6 v 2-3). Again in Proverbs 3 v 1-2 it promises that if we do not forget God’s law, keep His commandments in our hearts, He would add length of days, peace and long life to us. In Deuteronomy 4 v 40, it states again that if we keep His statutes and commandments, He will prolong the days upon the earth. In Proverbs 3 v 13-16, it reiterates the promise of longevity if we find wisdom and understanding. The same is stated in Proverbs 9 v 11. Psalm 92 v 12-14 promises that we will be fruitful and flourishing in old age, implying not only longevity but also the quality of life and legacy. Exodus 23 v 25-26 promises a full life span for worshipping the Lord. It also promises a healthy and fruitful life. Finally, Proverbs 10 v 27 guarantees that the fear of the Lord will add longevity to our lives. Hence, we do not need to fear death even in the midst of this world wide "coward" pandemic. We will obey our call to go when it finally comes, not a day earlier or a moment earlier. While we live we should realize and value every breath and moment and do the best we can with it. The uni-verse does not stop with longevity but promises that after a long life, we will enjoy eternity with the Triune God. So it is a double bonus that is assured to every believer- concurrently eternal life and long life running together to merge into eternity after our deaths. Though this is the norm for believers, the sovereign will of God might call some faithful early, unexpectedly or sometimes after a premonition of an early departure. We ourselves should not contribute to it by our declaration of faith, carelessness, habits. Our hearts instruct what our mouths should speak and the word of God instructs the heart. The word of God, then is our compass and not our own sense of right and wrong.

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